15 - Science And technology Flashcards


With the advancement of science and technology, many jobs are becoming automated. How do you think this trend will affect the job market and the workforce in the future?


The rapid advancement of science and technology has led to an increasing trend of job automation, which is likely to have significant implications for the job market and the workforce in the future. Automation, driven by artificial intelligence and robotics, may lead to enhanced efficiency and productivity in industries, but it could also result in job displacement for many workers. For instance, repetitive tasks in manufacturing, such as assembly lines, are increasingly being taken over by robots, potentially reducing the demand for human workers in these sectors.

However, this technological shift may also create new job opportunities. As technology evolves, it will necessitate a skilled workforce to develop, operate, and maintain these automated systems. Jobs related to programming, data analysis, and AI development may see an upsurge in demand. Nevertheless, the challenge lies in upskilling and retraining the existing workforce to adapt to these changing dynamics and bridge the skill gap.

- Well its a significant concern.
- Will have a significant implications for the job market, and the workforce in the future

How Automation will Affect the job market in the future?
- Replaced Jobs (E.g Repetitive tasks in manufacturing such as assembly lines ; Why? Automation driven by artifical intelligence and robotics will enhance efficiency, productivity)

  • Creation of New Job oppurtunities due to this technological shift (Why? With the evolution of technology, there will be a need of skilled workforce to develop, operate, and maintain these automated systems, Al Development will see an upsurge in demand )
  • Challenge lies in reskilling and upskilling individuals for bridging the skill gap.
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Some people argue that technology is making people more isolated and disconnected from each other. What are your thoughts on this, and how can society strike a balance between using technology and maintaining meaningful human interactions?


3 - The notion that technology fosters isolation and disconnection is not entirely unfounded. The prevalence of social media and digital devices has led to an increase in screen time, reducing face-to-face interactions and potentially affecting interpersonal relationships. However, technology itself is not to blame; rather, it is how we choose to use it.

To strike a balance between technology use and meaningful human interactions, society must encourage conscious and responsible digital consumption. One approach is to implement designated “tech-free” periods during social gatherings, promoting genuine engagement and conversation. Additionally, educational institutions can play a crucial role in emphasizing the importance of building strong relationships offline and nurturing emotional intelligence, enabling individuals to empathize and connect with others effectively.

- Notion that technology fosters isolation and disconnection is not entirely unfounded.

My thoughts on Technolgy is making people more isolated, disconneted?

Technology itself is not to blame, but rather it is how we chose to use it.

How can we strike a balance?
1 - Encouraging conscious and responsible digital consumption (How?Designation of tech free periods during gatherings, dinners etc. )
2 - Educational institutions role (Can emphasize the importance of building strong offline relationships, nurturing emotional intelligence, enabling others to empathize etc. )

Vocabulary ( Notion, not entirely unfounded, Technology itself is not to blame, Designation of tech free periods, Building strong offline relationships )

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Medical technology has made significant progress in recent decades. What are the potential benefits and challenges of these advancements in healthcare? How can countries ensure equal access to medical technology for their citizens?


4 - The advancements in medical technology have revolutionized healthcare, offering both unprecedented benefits and challenges. On the positive side, cutting-edge medical devices and treatments have improved the accuracy of diagnoses, enhanced patient outcomes, and extended life expectancy. For instance, robotic surgeries enable precise procedures, minimizing risks and speeding up recovery.

However, one major challenge is the affordability and accessibility of medical technology. Advanced treatments and medical equipment can be prohibitively expensive, limiting access for economically disadvantaged citizens. To ensure equal access, countries should prioritize healthcare as a fundamental right and invest in public health infrastructure. Government initiatives and collaborations with private sectors can drive research and development while making medical technology more affordable and accessible to all.

- Revolutions in medical technology have revolutionized healthcare
- Offer both unprecedented (بے مثال) benefits and challenges

Potential benefits
1 - Cutting Edge (latest) medical devices and treatments have? ( Improved Accuracy of diagnoses, enhanced patient outcomes , extended life expectancy)
2 - For Example Robotic surgeries ( Follow precise procedures, Minimize risks, Speed up recovery)

Potential Challenges
1 - Affordability and Accessibility (Why? Prohibitvely expensive thus limited access for economically disadvantaged citizens)

Ensurance of equal acces to medical technology?
1 - Countries should prioritize healthcare as a fundamental right.
2 - Should invest in public health infrastructure.
3 - Government collaboration with private sectors (Why? For driving research and development in the field of medical technology, making technology more affordable, accessible)

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Artificial intelligence is rapidly developing and becoming integrated into various aspects of our lives. How can individuals and governments prepare for this potential shift in the job market?


To prepare for this shift in the job market, individuals must focus on developing skills that complement AI-driven processes. For instance, creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and adaptability are valuable traits that can set humans apart from AI. Lifelong learning and upskilling are essential to remain relevant in the job market.

Governments also play a pivotal role in shaping policies that support a smooth transition. This includes investing in education and vocational training programs that equip the workforce with the skills needed to work alongside AI. Additionally, social safety nets can help individuals affected by job displacement to retrain and transition into emerging industries.

How can individuals prepare for shift in trend towards AI?
1 - Individuals must need to focus on skills like (Creativity, critical thinking, Emotional intelligence, Adaptability ; Why? These skills complement AI driven processes and set humans apart from AI)
2 - Lifelong learning, upskilling are neceesary to remqin relevant in the job market.

Government Role in this regard?
1 - Should need to shape policies that support these smooth transitions ( E.g Investing in education, vocational training programs for equipping individuals with the skills needed to work alongside with AI.)

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