3 - Cardiac US Flashcards
gold standard for cardiac abnormals?
Focused cardiac US?
Not to replace echo
Only to answer specific questions not detect all cardiac pathology
Ideal diagnostic tool for detecting life threatening cardiac conditons?
Focused transthoracic echocardiography
Primary indications for focused cardiac US?
- Cardiac arrest
- Pericardial effusion/tamponade
- Massive PE
- L ventricular structure and function
- Volume status and fluid responsiveness
- Unexplained HOTN
- Guidance of emergency cardiac pacing
Other Indications for cardiac US?
- Valvular abnormalities
- Proximal aortic dissection
- Myocardial ischemia and infarction
Basic goals of POC cardiac US?
- ID moderate/large PE
- ID gross cardiac activity or cardiac standstill
- Assess relative and gross chamber size
- Assess ejection fraction (2D estimate)
- Measure E-point septal separation (estimate ejection fx)
- Evaluate gross valvular motion
- Assess volume status by IVC size and collapsibility
Most useful view for POC cardiac US?
Subcostal views
Does scanning from the subcostal window interfere in resuscitative measures?
Doesnt interfere w
- thoracostomy
- Subclavian line insertion
- ET intubation
Ways to improve subcostal 4 chamber view?
- more US gel
- more shallow angle
- move transducer to R to use Liver as window
- move off xiphoid and over lower intercostal space (barrel chested pt)
4 chamber view pics
Sized 12 - 15
How do you get a parasternal long-axis view?
Aligning the US plane aw the long axis of the L ventricle
- place transducer perpendicular to the chest wall at the 3rd or 4th intercostal space immediately to the left of the sternum w the transducer indicator directed to L hip
What can the parasternal long-axis view show you?
- R ventricular free wall
- R ventricular cavity
- Intraventrcular septum (IVS)
- L ventricular cavity
- Posterior L ventricular free wall
Prob will also see
- aortic and mitral valve
- proximal aorta
- L atrium
Parasternal long axis pics
What is the imaging plane for parasternal short-axis view?
Toward the R hip
3rd or 4th intercostal space (just L of sternum)
Where do you perform a parasternal short axis view?
Base of the heart (aortic valve level)
Level of mitral valve
Level of papillary muscles