3 - Capital Gains Tax Flashcards
Is the date of disposal the same as the date the seller receives payment?
No, it is when the contract for sale becomes binding on the seller/buyer, money might exchange hands some time after
In what circumstance might an inter-spouse transfer not be exempt from CGT?
When the spouses have not lived together during the tax year
How is property treated in terms of shares between spouses?
It is always treated jointly in equal shares unless it is held as tenants in common under unequal shares
When can a disposal not at arms length occur?
Any disposal with a close connection. The market value is used instead of the actual proceeds. This applies to gifts and sales.
Disposals between unconnected parties can also use market value rather than sale price
What is deferred consideration?
When a sale takes place and some of the funds are payable unconditionally on later dates.
If the amount is ascertainable, it must be included in the disposal proceeds. if it is then not received the CGT is recalculated
What might the HMRC agree to if the deferred consideration is more than 18 months after the disposal?
They will usually agree to take payments in instalments
What is contingent consideration?
Where a sale is made and further payments are subject to certain conditions being satisfied
How does the valuation for CGT and IHT differ?
CGT it is the asset that is valued
IHT - it is the loss to the estate that is valued
On death, would the CGT and IHT calculation be different or the same?
The same value would be used for CGT that had been used for IHT
What are the indicators or badges of trade that would help decide whether a person is trading and therefore a transaction is a trading transaction or a disposal?
The subject matter of the transaction. Where the asset does not yield an ongoing income or give personal enjoyment to its owner
The period of ownership - sale soon after aquisition is an indication of trading
Frequency of similar transactions - repeated of the same subject matter
Work carried out on a property - to make it more marketable or steps taken to find purchasers
Circumstances responsible for the realisation
Organisation of the activity
Financing of the transaction - i.e. money borrowed to buy and repaid when sold
Method of acquisition - an inheritance or gift is less likely to be trading
What is the exempt amount for Chattels in disposal?
£6,000 per person
When a chattel is disposed of, what is the maximum charge?
Cannot exceed five-thirds of the excess over £6,000
What might be a wasting asset (tangible movable property) and how are they treated for CGT?
An asset such as a boat, if it has a life expectancy of less than 50 years, it is exempt
Note - this does not apply to plant machinery used in business where capital allowances have been claimed. Cars are always exempt regardless of business use.
What are some other examples of exempt disposals?
Principle residence
Private motor vehicles
NS and I savings certificates and premium bonds
Government and most corporate bonds
Decorations of valour
Foreign currency for personal use and bank accounts
Debts repaid to the original creditor
Gambling winnings
Compensation for damages
Shares under EIS or SEIS
Shares with a value up to £50,000 acquired by an employee under a shareholder agreement pre 1st Dec 2016. (after 16th March 2016 exempt gains are subject to a lifetime limit of £100,000)
Cashbacks by providers of goods and services
Disposals to a charity, housing association, certain national institutions and museums
Assets of national interest
Shares held in a share incentive plan
If a property has not been the main residence throughout ownership, how will the gain be calculated?
Total Gain x Period of occupation/total period of ownership
What are the periods of absence that can be ignored when identifying periods of property occupation?
Up to a year before moving in once acquired (HMRC may agree to extend by a year)
Any period before 1st April 1982
Up to three years if both preceded and followed by residence and during which no other residence was exempt
The last 9 months of ownership, provided it was used as a main residence for some of the time
Any periods of up to 4 years in total where employment prevented residence if preceded and followed by no other exempt residence
Any periods of absence working abroad, preceded and followed by residence
Any period of live in accommodation where there is no intention to return
What are the rules surrounding election of a main residence?
Must be made within 2 years of acquisition of the second residence
Can be changed but not back dated more than two years
HMRC can decide based on the facts which should be treated as the main residence
Married couples or civil partners can only claim for one property at a time
Property owners can make the election if they lived in it at some point while they owned it
What are the exemptions for letting relief?
The owner must be in shared occupancy
The gain on the let is exempt up to £40,000
Each owner is entitled, so a joint owner can claim £80,000 of the gain attributable to the gain
What are some of the other extensions to residence relief?
The main residence can include land up to half a hectare
Can apply to property sold by a deceased person’s representative if: the property has been occupied by beneficiaries both and before and after death
The beneficiaries are entitled to the whole or substantially all of the sale either absolutely or for lie
Where part of the house is used for business, the exemption does not apply to that part, however there are no restrictions of where that part of the house might be
How would a property gain be calculated?
Determine the disposal proceeds
Deduct the acquisition cost
Deduct sale and purchase costs and any enhancement costs
Set off any allowable capital losses, allocating them against gains by setting them against gains at the highest rate first
Deduct the annual exempt amount
Calculate the tax at the appropriate rate
What is the acquisition cost used?
Bought on a commercial basis - the purchase price
Gift or otherwise - value at the time of acquisition unless holdover relief claimed, then broadly the donors acquisition cost
If the taxpayer created the asset - any capital expenditure incurred can be deducted
Can losses be carried forward if there are insufficient gains in the current tax year?
Yes, until all of the loss is absorbed
What is the time limit on claiming losses
Within four years of the end of the tax year in which they were made
Can losses be carried back?
Only if the loss arises in which the tax payer has died, further losses can be carried back to previous tax years up to three years
What are clogged losses?
Losses on transactions with connected parties on the same transaction, same party
When would a loss need to be reported to HMRC?
The disposal proceeds of the asset are more than four times the annual exempt amount
The taxpayer wishes to set the loss off against chargeable gains
Both of the above
If an asset was acquired before 1st April 1982, what deductions can’t be made?
Incidental costs of acquisition or enhancement expenditure
What is the formula for part disposal
Proceeds of the part disposed/proceeds of the part disposed + market value of part retained x original cost
What is the lifetime limit for qualifying gains under business asset disposal relief & at what rate?
£1 million charged at 10%
Set against any outstanding basic rate band before non-qualifying gains
How long does an asset have to be owned for to qualify for business asset disposal relief?
Two years