10 - Indirect Investments Flashcards
What are the main tax privileges given to registered pensions?
Tax relief on input
Freedom from yax on gains from investment income wihtin the fund
Freedom from tax on 25% of the fund on maturity
Death benefits tax free when the deceased is under 75
How much can a person with little or no income contribute to a pension and qualify for basic tax relief?
How are pensions protected from tax avoidance?
Once a pension fund has been accessed flexibily, the future level of annual allowance is reduced to £4,000 to prevent a person taking one pension after 55 and activating another
When is the MPAA (money purchase annul allowance) not triggered if a person has accessed thier pension?
If only a pension commencement lump sum is taken or if a non flexible annuity is taken
What is the tapered allowance for 20/21 for those with income over £240,000?
Reduction of £1 for every £2 earned over £240,000 down to an allowance of £4,000
What was the tapered reduction for years 2016 through to 2020?
Income threshold of £150,000, minimumal allowance of £10,000
What is the lifetime allowance for 20/21?
What is the maximum death benefit from a pension?
euqal to the annual allowance
If death benefits from an uncrystallised pension are not paid out within two years, how are they treated for tax purposes?
As income
Are death benefits from a crystallised fund, subject to a further lifetime allowance test?
If death occurs after age 75, how are pension benefits treated?
As income by PAYE in the hands of the recipient
What are the three main ways members of DC schemes can access their pension funds?
- Crystallised with 25% paid tax free. The remainder drawndown as required
- Uncrystallised. Withdrawals taken from the fund with 25% of each tax free,
- Take 25% tax free then purchase an annuity with the remainder
How might a member of a DB scheme increase pension flexibilty?
Transfer to a DC scheme
What is capped drawdown and who is it available to?
For contracts established before 6th April 15, which can continue provided the individual does not draw in excess of the maximum income relevant to the scheme.
Individuals retain a full allowance of £40,000, but it is reduced if rules are breached and then revert to the reduced MPAA and the scheme is treated as a flexi access drawdown
Do members have to crystallise benefits?
savings from a parent into a JISA subject to income tax?
No, it is locked away for the child
How much is the government bonus for a help to buy ISA?
25% up to a maximum of £3,000 on £12,000 of savings
How do reporting and non reporting funds differ in terms of tax treatment for an investor?
Reporting funds - equity distributions are taxable at the divident rates and are eligible for the £2,000 allowance. Interest distributions are tax at savings rates with allowances applicable. Gains are subject to CGT on disposal
Income is usually accumlated, therefore gains are charged on disposal using income tax rates with no dividend or savings allowances are applicable
What are the advantages of non-reporting funds?
Income is accumlated in a low tax environment so the investment can grow faster
UK investors can roll up income and realise profits maybe when they are paying a lower rate of tax
For non resident investors, gains and income offshore are not liable to tax (maybe within thier own country)
For UK resident, non domiciled investors, income and gains that are not remitted to the UK escape UK tax
Offshore investments are excluded for non-dom investors so escape IHT
What would be the benefit to an investor of selecting to invest in structured products maturing in different years?
To maximise CGT allowance in each maturity year
How is income from a closed ended investment company treated?
As dividend income
How is income from a listed bond or medium tern=m note treated?
As savings income
For how many years do premiums for a qualifying life policy have to be paid?
What is the annual limit?
for at least 10 years and at least annually
What is the general rate of tax paid by a life company?
When is tax payable on a qualifying life policy?
Chargeable event
Chargeable gain
when the gain is added to the tax payer’s other income causing it to fall within the higher or additional rate band
where gain cause tax credits, personal allowances being reduced or lost
What are the chargeable events for a non qualifying policy?
Death Maturity Surrender Part surrenders Policy loan (after 26th March 1974) Assignment for money or money's worth
What are the chargeable events for a qualifying policy?
Full or part surrender, assignment for money within 10 years of the policy term (or 3/4 if sooner)
Policy converted into paid up wihtin 10 years (or 3/4)
How much could be withdrawn from a policy without causing a chargeable event?
Can the 5% allowance be carried forward to future years if it is not used?
Do adviser charges count towards the policy withdrawal allowance?
Yes, unless they are provider facilitated and paid by the life company
What tax rate is used on chargeable gains for policies?
Higher or additional rate, minus the basic rate
If a loss arises at the end of a policy term, is the holder entitled to a deduction from other income?
Yes - deficiency relief is available, within the tax year and provided it does not exceed the previous chargeable gains
Only operated for higher rate tax income