3/8/17 Prescribing and reading radiographs Flashcards
What is the principle of justification in taking radiographs
Benefit outways risk
What are three risks from radiology?
- Tissue death
- DNA damage
- Tumor development
What is a deterministic risk?
-There is a threshold for damage
If a 5 year old boy comes in to your office for his 1st visit to a dentist, his posterior teeth are in contact, has no missing teeth or decay upon exam, has a good diet and the parents are motivated towards good hygiene, what radiographs would you order?
-Posterior bitewing (because the proximal surfaces cannot be visualized or probed)
If you have a 25 year old female coming in for her 6 month recall, 6 months ago you treated a fractured incisor, she has no remarkable symptoms with the incisor, no clinical caries present, low risk for caries, no periodontal disease. What radiographs should be taken?
- Bitewings every 24 - 36 months
- Take an anterior PA at this appt. to check the treated incisor to check healing
If you have a 65 yr old female as a new patient that comes to your office, she has no previous radiographs available, had 2 root canals but doesn’t know which teeth, the clinical exam reveals multiple caries and missing teeth with pockets in excess of 3 mm. What radiographs do you prescribe?
-Full mouth series
How long do you wash your hands?
15 seconds
What does universal precautions mean?
Treat every patient as if they were potentially infective
What are two ways to maintain clean surfaces in the dental operatory?
- Surface disinfectant
- barriers
What is the energy “deposited” in a kilogram of a substance by the radiation known as?
-Absorbed dose
What is the absorbed dose weighted for harmful effects of different radiations known as?
-Equivalent dose
What is the equivalent dose weighted for susceptibility to harm of different tissues?
-Effective dose
What are five organs that have high radiosensitivity?
- Lymphoid organs
- Bone marrow
- Testes
- Intestine
- Mucous membranes
What are two organs of low radiosensitivity?
- Optic lens
- Muscle
What are six intermediate radiosensitive organs?
- Fine vasculature
- Growing cartilage
- Salivary glands
- Lungs
- Kidney
- Liver
What are the three guiding principles of radiation safety?
- Justification
- Dose limitation
How often do dental xray units need to be inspected?
5 yrs
Pulp: radiolucent or radiopaque
T/F The larger the crystals of silver halide the faster the film speed?
What are three types of digital sensors?