3. 토익 연습문제 명사 Flashcards
Mr. Montrose’s ——- in his job search has resulted in employment offers from three companies.
1) persist
2) persisted
3) persistently
4) persistence
Referring to the ——- in the user’s manual will
help you to identify the parts of the workbench.
1) illustrate
2) illustrator
3) illustration
4) illustrated
The ——- of the Central City farmer’s market
shows that residents are interested in buying
locally grown produce.
1) popular
2) popularize
3) popularly
4) popularity
All of Molina Language Institute’s ——- have
three or more years of experience and a valid
teaching credential.
1) instructed
2) instruction
3) instructing
4) instructors
The automated telephone registration system
requires that every —— have a four-digit
access code.
1) using
2) useful
3) used
4) user
One reason that the economy of the country is
doing so well is that people now have more
discretionary funds at their ——-.
1) dispose
2) disposing
3) disposal
4) disposes
The city council will meet tomorrow to field
questions from ——- concerning the new water
1) resident
2) residents
3) residences
4) residential
The editor granted Ms. Porter a deadline ------- so that some information in her building renovations report could be updated. 1) extend 2) extensive 3) extension 4) extends
To make an accurate ——-, the physician must
first obtain the patient’s complete medical
1) diagnose
2) diagnosis
3) diagnostic
4) diagnostically
Earlier today, IGY Corporation released a
——- confirming its plans for expansion in
South America.
1) state
2) stating
3) statement
4) stated
All staff members should log in to their time
and labor ——- daily to record their hours
1) accounts
2) accounted
3) accountant
4) accountable
Mr. Yamamoto voiced his ------- for the hard work and dedication of the advertising department during its recent campaign. 1) appreciate 2) appreciates 3) apprecication 4) appreciated
For 30 years, Big Top Prop Company has been
the premier ——- of circus equipment for
troupes around the world.
1) providing
2) provision
3) provider
4) provides
The board of directors of Bridgeworks Corporation will vote on the ------- to modify the company’s investment policies. 1) propose 2) proposing 3) proposal 4) proposed
A ------- from Jensen-Colmes Corporation will be happy to meet with prospective job applicants at the Westborough Job Fair. 1) represent 2) representing 3) representative 4) representation