1. 토익 연습문제 문장의 종류와 성분 Flashcards
The ——- of the new ambassador to Portugal was confirmed by the committee on Monday.
1) appoint
2) appoints
3) appointed
4) appointment
It is usually most effective ------- a meeting agenda to the attendees in advance. 1) circulate 2) circulating 3) circulates 4) to circulate
- It은 가주어. 진짜 주어가 나와야 하는데, 진주어는 to 부정사나 that절을 사용하는 것을 원칙으로 함! 따라서 to circulate가 정답이다.
When shows are sold out, theater policy is to start
a waiting list and call customers if there are ——-.
1) canceled
2) cancellations
3) cancels
4) canceling
- there are 이므로 복수명사가 와야함. cancellations 가 명사형. 그리고 명사원형 > 동명사 이다.
Tara Kwon will ------- the results of the cafeteria survey via e-mail. 1) share 2) shares 3) sharing 4) shared
Please ------- the enclosed survey and return it to our office as soon as possible. 1) to complete 2) complete 3) completing 4) completed
Discounts from manufacturers can significantly
- —— the cost of a new car
1) reduce
2) reduced
3) reduction
4) reducing
Revenue has fluctuated over the last two quarters, so it was a surprise ------- that expenses have nevertheless remained fairly steady. 1) learned 2) to learn 3) learns 4) is learning
Dr. Sato has indicated that there may soon be
an ——- for an apprentice technician in the
chemical-production laboratory.
1) open
2) opened
3) openly
4) opening
After ------- finished reviewing the data, Mr. Tafferty made some recommendations for improvement. 1) him 2) his 3) he 4) himself
The financial review board has stated that no budget proposal may ------- ten pages. 1) excessive 2) excess 3) exceeding 4) exceed
In ——- of its hard work on the fashion show,
Ms. McFadden sent a fruit basket to the advertising
1) appreciate
2) apperciating
3) appreciation
4) appreciated
The Internet has made ——- easier for vehicle buyers
to search for banks that offer the best loans.
1) they
2) what
3) it
4) us
Critics of the recent movie with Michelle Zhao have called the plot too -------. 1) predicting 2) predicted 3) predictable 4) predictably
The menu at Minara Café changes weekly ——-
on the availability of seasonal ingredients.
1) depend
2) depends
3) depended
4) depending
- changes 동사가 나와있으므로 동사는 사용불가.
depend는 자동사이므로 depended는 사용불가.
Food prices have remained ——- in the region
despite lower harvests in some nearby growing
1) stably
2) stability
3) stable
4) stabilization
- remain은 주격보어가 필요한 동사. (여전히 ~ 이다.), 명사와 형용사 형태가 올 수 있음. 해석 상 형용사가 오는 것이 적절.
I’m happy - happy가 보어(형용사)
I’m a boy - boy가 보어(명사)