3 Flashcards
common name of compression of median nerve by flexor retinaculum
carpal tunnel syndrome: overuse, preg, BC
what is the name of classification system used to grade spondy’s, and what is meant by a grade two spondy
myerding, 25-50%
what visceral cond: N/V, epigastric, mid upper back pn, relieved by fetal position
why is the SIJ difficult to model and study
large amt of anatomical variation between SIJ
what spinal nerves supply the SIJ
orthos that form lazlette’s criteria
distraction sacral thrust thigh thrust compression + gaenslen's yeoman's
MC type of spondy, and at what level does it MC occur
isthmic @ L5
etiology and pt presentation of synovial fold entrapment
meniscoid [piece] get trapped bt facets, like an acute locked neck: lets locked and can’t move back
-pt is v antalgic, immed relieved by adjustment
cond MC 20-40y, pn worse w lumbar flex, MRS can be pos while xray is normal
disc herniation
which pirmary tumor is MC mets in the lumbar region and what type of lesions does it create on an xray
prostate, blastic lesions [look sclerotic, white]
a pos step sign is indicative of
pt reports paresthesia into digit 4/5 after lots of computer work
cubital tunnel syndrome
90% of all lumbar disc herniations occur at what 2 disc levels
explain how peridural fibrosis can cause pn
cord tehtering OR scar tissue takes up space where it shouldnt, and squeezes the structures
describe nutation, counternutation and where it occurs
- nutation: nodding fwd of sacrum
- counter: backwd nodding of sac
cond in elderly F, SIJ is ankylosed, sacrum has been weakened by osteoporosis
inusufficiency frx
pt is 13y gymnast w LBP on extension: dx
isthmic spondy
the post/inf 2/3 of the SIJ is ___ in nature, while the ant/sup 1/3 is ___ jts
the amt of motion is determined by __ and the direction is det by ___
discs / facets
what is considered the strongest lig in the body
interosseous sacral lig
5 types of spondylolistheses
dysplastic congenital isthmic degenerative traumatic
how many typical extrinsic musc provide movement to the SIJ
this cond can have a 10:1 M:F, early sx = LB stiffness, SIJ tenderness, which rises up the spine
no musc hypertonicity, no mobility impairment,no tenderness in area of complaint, what do you do
visceral referral
pt has a pulsatile swelling in abdoment and linear calcification lateral to lumbar, what is the cond you are most concerned about
T/F why: according to souza persistant BP due to extraspinal path is rare in both children and adults
false, is rare in children but common in adults
dx: 47y F has persistent NP and jaw pn, heartburn and sweating
an age related cond relived by rest, xray shows narrowed disc space, osteophytes, stenosis
MC cond in adults with hx of UTI, intravenous drug use, skin infx, recent surgery
infectious spondylitis
why are gaenslen’s and yeoman’s tests less valued in lazlette’s criteria
5 poss categories of extraspinal BP
psychogenic thoracic retroperitoneal abdominal pelvic [visceral]
pt reports chronic pn with extension, after sitting/standing for time, moving around and stretching helps, local pn that sometimes radiates
facet syndrome
alteration of SIJ biomechanics is difficult to test, the case for jt dysfx as a cause of SI pn is currently best supported by:
favorable response to adjustment
visc condition can result in pn in costovertebral jx of ribs radiation PA to groin area
any kidney dz [uretal stone]
pt has baby 6m ago, has LBP rads down leg, gets better with adjustment but returns day or two later
SIJ hypermobility/instability