3 Flashcards
Re-introduction of Greek scholars, particularly Aristotle, to western culture.
Invention of the printing press
Fall of Constantinople releasing Greek scholars to the west
Discovery of the Americas
Increased emphasis on the individuals abilities shaped by the environment rather than inherted.
factors contributing to the renaissance
Strife between Nation States and the church, abuse of power by the pope (inquisitions, crusades, ect)
The Reformation
More modern approach to science with data as arbiter of theoretical disputes rather than rationalism and dogma
Zeitgeist shift
Reintroduction of ancient scholars, especially Euclid on math and geometry
Revived interest in empiricism (the real truth is found in sensory agreement between observers)
Opposed the deductive/rational view of Aristotle favoring empirical/inductive approach. Medieval translations of Aristotle being observing and inducting had been lost
Roger bacon (1214-1291)
Reviewed Aristotles works and tried to reconcile them with church dogma
Empirical but deductive approach
Wrote on intellect, memory, sensation
Aristotles clear mind body dualism in stead of platonic interactions in favored by church
Albertus Magnus
Student of Magnus
Attempted to reconcile church theory with Aristotle
Asserted that God could be known through either faith or reason- ushered in scholasticism
Weakened the church’s hold on knowledge
St Thomas aquinas
Reasserted the position that sex for any purpose but procreation was sinful laying the ground work for sexual depression and dysfunction
st Thomas aquinas
Took Aristotle to the next level saying experience is knowledge
Sophist position that physical reality is experience
Plurality should not be assumed without necessity (Occam’s razor)
William of Occam
Argued for a skeptical inductive approach with an emphasis on classification and discretion of the data allowing a theory to emerge later (skinner)
Single human observations not trusted- description of primary qualities with replication was better
France’s bacon
Personal bias due to education and experience
Cultural bias due to way of thinking
Semantic bias due to imprecise meaning of words
Dogmatic bias due to allegiance to theoretical positions
Frances Bacon four observer biases
Technology to solve the human condition
Clear influence on skinner and modern behaviorism and modern science in general
Frances Bacon
Motion of planets relative to stars is quite different (wandering planets)
Geocentric theory
Consistent with church teachings and held throughout Renaissance
Heliocentric theory
Wasn’t allowed to publish tell after death because it undermined divine order for natural order
Eclipses rather than circles of the planets
Left the problem of changes in velocity for Newton
Discovered the 4 moons of Jupiter- forced to recant in an inquisition
Primary qualities studied empirically and objectively
Pope Benedict issues apology in 2009
Magnetic compass
William Gilbert
Works of circulation of the hood
William Harvey
Invents the barometer
Blaise pascal
Discovers boyles law that the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure
Robert Boyle
Publishes principal Mathematica
Discovered calculus
Derived universal laws of motion
Implied that there must be universal mental laws because there are universal physical laws
White light is made up of all the colors
Issac Newton
Discovers the microscope (cells and sperm)
Anton van Leeuwenhock
Lead to modern physical science
The ionean physicists
Lead to modern mathematics
The Pythagoreans
Leads to biology and medicine
Biomedical perspective
Accept perception as reality and distrust the delusion of rational processes
The sophists
Distrust the illusions of perception and champion the native human endowments of language and rationality to use logic to get truth from illusion
The humanists
Legacy of the Roman era includes–
The rise of applied science and technology
Replacement of civil rule by church rule
Replacement of Greek science with church dogma
Loss of Greek knowledge to western cultures with burning of libraries
Synthesis of stoic and Neoplatonic philosophies into Christian theology
Rejection of epicurean hedonism and the attitude that sex is sinful laying groundwork for Freud
Beginnings of the Renaissance and decline of church power and dogma begin with numerous factors–
Reintroduction to the west of Greek knowledge
Rise of scholastism and the quest for truth via rational processes as well as faith
The fractioning of roman culture into a variety of western cultures under local control
Establishment of universities and secret societies
Modern science slowly escaping from Church dogma and re asserting observation data and logic
Ptolomy, Copernicus, Kepler , Newton, galeleio
Prime mover in British empiricism movement and the passive mind approach
Thomas Hobbes
Argued that humans, like animals, were mechanical, material of substance (even the mind) and governed only by physical laws
Seperate philosophy from theology to save it from meaninless scholastic wrangling
Thomas Hobbes
Passive mind with one liners-
Anticipation is looking forward with past experience
Reason is a function of speech not the reverse
Thomas Hobbes