3 Flashcards
What does ‘fuel-efficient’ mean?
экономичный (о топливе) – «фьюэл-эфишент»
This car is very fuel-efficient and saves a lot of money on gas.
What does ‘drill’ mean?
сверлить, дрель – «дрил»
He used a power drill to make holes in the wall.
What does ‘to show mercy’ mean?
проявить милосердие – «ту шоу мёрси»
The judge decided to show mercy and reduced the sentence.
What does ‘in victory’ mean?
победно – «ин виктори»
He raised his fists in victory after crossing the finish line.
What does ‘trip over’ mean?
споткнуться, наткнуться – «трип оувэр»
I tripped over the rug and almost fell.
What does ‘lean on’ mean?
опереться, полагаться – «лин он»
She leaned on her friend for support during hard times.
What does ‘catch a breath’ mean?
перевести дух – «кэтч э брэс»
He stopped running to catch a breath.
What does ‘run into’ mean?
столкнуться с кем-то, случайно встретить – «ран инту»
I ran into my old friend at the grocery store.
What does ‘take after’ mean?
быть похожим (по характеру или внешности) – «тэйк афтэр»
She takes after her father in her love for science.
What does ‘call off’ mean?
отменить – «кол оф»
They called off the concert due to bad weather.
What does ‘turn up’ mean?
появиться, прийти – «тёрн ап»
He turned up late to the party.
What does ‘come across’ mean?
натолкнуться на что-то, произвести впечатление – «кам экрос»
I came across an interesting book in the library.
He came across as very professional during the interview.
What does ‘turn down’ mean?
отклонить, уменьшить – «тёрн даун»
She turned down the job offer.
Can you turn down the volume, please?
What does ‘look into’ mean?
исследовать, изучать – «лук инту»
We need to look into the issue before making a decision.
What does ‘region’ mean?
регион – «риджин»
This region is known for its beautiful landscapes.
What does ‘fine’ mean?
мелкий, тонкий – «файн»
The artist used a fine brush for details.
What does ‘digestion’ mean?
пищеварение – «дайджестшен»
Good digestion is important for overall health.
What does ‘cram all’ mean?
запихнуть всё – «крам ол»
He tried to cram all his clothes into a small suitcase.
What does ‘go through topics’ mean?
пройти темы – «гоу сру топикс»
We need to go through all the topics before the exam.
What does ‘typo’ mean?
опечатка – «тайпо»
There was a typo in the document.
What does ‘a gut feeling’ mean?
интуиция – «э гат филинг»
I had a gut feeling that something was wrong.
What does ‘jump over’ mean?
перепрыгнуть – «джамп оувэр»
The athlete jumped over the hurdle easily.
What does ‘toward/towards’ mean?
к, по направлению к – «туорд/туордс»
She walked towards the exit.
What does ‘get by’ mean?
сводить концы с концами – «гет бай»
I don’t earn much, but I can get by.
What does ‘carry on’ mean?
продолжать – «кэри он»
She carried on working despite the noise.
What does ‘cut down on’ mean?
сократить, уменьшить – «кат даун он»
I need to cut down on sugar.
What does ‘kick in’ mean?
вступить в действие – «кик ин»
The painkillers took some time to kick in.
What does ‘viable’ mean?
жизнеспособный, целесообразный – «вайэбл»
This plan is not financially viable.
What does ‘showcase’ mean?
демонстрировать – «шоукейс»
The designer will showcase his new collection.
What does ‘attacking’ mean?
атакующий – «этэкинг»
The team was in an attacking position.
What does ‘disguise’ mean?
маскировка – «дисгайз»
He wore a disguise to avoid being recognized.
What does ‘attire’ mean?
наряд, одежда – «этайр»
The dress code requires formal attire.
What does ‘condition for getting’ mean?
условие получения – «кандишн фо гетинг»
A high GPA is a condition for getting a scholarship.
What does ‘condition set by’ mean?
условие, установленное (кем-то) – «кандишн сет бай»
The condition set by the employer was strict.
What does ‘dispute’ mean?
спор, оспаривать – «диспьют»
They had a dispute over the contract.
What does ‘quarrel’ mean?
ссориться – «кворэл»
The couple quarreled over money.
What does ‘imply’ mean?
подразумевать – «имплай»
His words implied that he was not interested.
What does ‘meet the condition’ mean?
соответствовать условию – «мит зэ кандишн»
She meets the condition for the job.
What does ‘sculpt’ mean?
лепить – «скалпт»
The artist sculpted a beautiful statue.
What does ‘to make a muddle of’ mean?
запутать – «ту мэйк э мадл оф»
He made a muddle of his finances.
What does ‘accidentally’ mean?
случайно – «эксидэнтли»
I accidentally deleted the file.
What does ‘bump’ mean?
стукнуться – «бамп»
I bumped my head on the door.
What does ‘altogether’ mean?
в целом – «олтугезер»
Altogether, the trip was a success.
What does ‘toss up’ mean?
подбросить монетку – «тос ап»
Let’s toss up to decide who goes first.
What does ‘clear out’ mean?
очистить, убрать – «клир аут»
We need to clear out the garage.
What does ‘tear off’ mean?
оторвать – «тер оф»
He tore off a page from the notebook.
What does ‘shrink’ mean?
shrank, shrunk – сжиматься, уменьшаться – «шринк – шрэнк – шранк»
My sweater shrank in the wash.
What does ‘sweep’ mean?
swept, swept – подметать – «свип – свепт – свепт»
She swept the floor clean.
What does ‘shrink from’ mean?
избегать – «шринк фром»
He doesn’t shrink from responsibility.
What does ‘tear’ mean?
tore – torn – рвать – «тер – тор – торн»
She tore the letter in anger.
What does ‘cling’ mean?
clung – clung – цепляться – «клинг – кланг – кланг»
The child clung to his mother.
What does ‘burst’ mean?
burst – burst – взрываться – «бёрст – бёрст – бёрст»
The balloon burst suddenly.
What does ‘bear’ mean?
bore – borne – терпеть – «бэр – бор – борн»
She bore the pain with dignity.