1 Flashcards
What does ‘decline’ mean?
Decline refers to a decrease or deterioration in quality or quantity.
What does ‘collapse’ refer to?
Collapse refers to a sudden failure or breakdown.
What does ‘downfall’ mean?
Downfall refers to a loss of power, prosperity, or status.
What is the meaning of ‘messing around’?
‘Messing around’ means to act in a silly or foolish manner.
What does ‘messing around with’ imply?
‘Messing around with’ means to take something lightly or not seriously.
What does ‘take it lightly’ mean?
‘Take it lightly’ means to treat something as not serious.
What does ‘dick around’ mean?
‘Dick around’ means to waste time or act foolishly.
What does ‘dicking around with’ mean?
‘Dicking around with’ means to fiddle with or play with something.
What is an ‘opening’?
An ‘opening’ refers to a hole or gap.
What does ‘you get to be’ mean?
‘You get to be’ means you have the chance to become or do something.
What is a ‘Band-aid’?
A ‘Band-aid’ is a small adhesive bandage used for covering minor wounds.
What does ‘you are all set?’ mean?
‘You are all set?’ means ‘Are you ready?’ or ‘Is everything okay?’
What does ‘bond’ refer to?
‘Bond’ refers to a connection or relationship between people or things.
What does ‘puncture’ mean?
‘Puncture’ means to pierce or make a small hole in something.
The word ‘puncture’ refers to a small hole or piercing made by a sharp object, and it often implies damage or injury.
What does ‘dissolution’ mean?
‘Dissolution’ refers to the official ending or disbanding of something, such as a marriage or company.
What is a ‘solution’?
‘Solution’ refers to a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances.
What does ‘decay’ mean?
‘Decay’ refers to the process of rotting or decomposing.
What is ‘tooth decay’?
‘Tooth decay’ refers to the damage to a tooth caused by cavities.
What does ‘indeed’ mean?
‘Indeed’ means ‘in fact’ or ‘truly’.
What is a ‘compound’?
‘Compound’ refers to a substance formed from two or more elements chemically bonded together.
What does ‘compound’ mean as a verb?
‘Compound’ means to make something worse by adding to it.
What does ‘short-handed’ mean?
‘Short-handed’ refers to a situation where there is a lack of staff or personnel.
What is a ‘curfew’?
‘Curfew’ refers to a regulation requiring people to remain indoors during specified hours.
What does ‘up your sleeve’ mean?
‘Up your sleeve’ refers to having a secret plan or advantage.
What is a ‘tire’?
‘Tire’ refers to a rubber covering around a wheel.
What does ‘daily carry’ mean?
‘Daily carry’ refers to the items a person carries with them on a daily basis.
What does ‘well rounded’ mean?
‘Well rounded’ refers to being balanced and versatile in skills or knowledge.
What does ‘bounce off’ mean?
‘Bounce off’ means to rebound off a surface.
What is an example of ‘bounce off’?
The ball bounced off the wall and hit me in the face.
(Мяч отскочил от стены и ударил меня в лицо.)
What does ‘perfectly shaped’ mean?
‘Perfectly shaped’ refers to having an ideal or flawless form.
What does ‘theoretically’ mean?
‘Theoretically’ refers to something that is based on theory rather than practical application.
What does ‘therapeutic’ mean?
‘Therapeutic’ refers to something that has healing or beneficial effects.
What is a ‘windshield’?
‘Windshield’ refers to the front window of a vehicle.
What is an example of cleaning a windshield?
I need to clean my windshield; it’s covered in dirt.
(Мне нужно почистить лобовое стекло – оно покрыто грязью.)
What is a ‘stepladder’?
‘Stepladder’ refers to a portable ladder with flat steps.
What is an example of using a stepladder?
I used a stepladder to reach the top shelf.
(Я использовал стремянку, чтобы достать с верхней полки.)
What does ‘some bug going around’ mean?
‘Some bug going around’ refers to a virus or illness that is affecting many people.
What is an example of a bug going around?
Everyone at work is sick, there’s some bug going around.
(Все на работе болеют, какой-то вирус ходит.)
What does ‘lean forward’ mean?
‘Lean forward’ means to bend your body forward.
What is an example of leaning forward?
Lean forward so you can hear better.
(Наклонись вперед, чтобы лучше слышать.)
What does ‘inoperable’ mean?
‘Inoperable’ refers to something that cannot be repaired or is not functioning.
What is an example of something inoperable?
The machine is inoperable; we need a new one.
(Эта машина неработоспособна, нам нужна новая.)
What is ‘mustard’?
‘Mustard’ is a condiment made from mustard seeds.
What is an example of using mustard?
Can you pass the mustard?
(Можешь передать горчицу?)