3 Flashcards
Photochemical smog is generated
Photochemical smog is generated by the combination of smoke and fog.
Photochemical smog is
*Photochemical smog is a secondary air pollutant and generally formed in traffi c congested metropolitan cities where warm conditions and intense solar radiation are presen
Catalytic Converter
The equipment named Catalytic Converter is used for conversion of NOx, CO and unburnt hydrocarbons released from vehicles, into non-harmful molecules.
Domestic air pollution.
Air pollution caused due to domestic activities is known as Domestic air pollution.
Most signifi cant pollutant of indoor air pollution is
Radon is a colourless, odourless radioactive noble gas. *Radongas is released from Radium.
Due to the presence of radon gas there is a probability o
Due to the presence of radon gas there is a probability of lung cancer and blood cancer in human beings.
Acid rain is
like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the ai
Acid rain i
like sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air.
When these pollutants fall on the surface with rain, it is termed acid rain.*Normally the pH value of acid rain is less than 5.6. N
It is noteworthy that SO2
is also known as Cracking gas because if it is continuously fl own on a stone, the stone gets mangled.
SO2 gas excreted from
SO2 gas excreted from Mathura Oil Refi nery is responsible for the corrosion of Taj Mahal of Agra.
the most aff ected country from Acid Rain
Acid rain also occurs in
Acid rain also occurs in Canada and other Scandinavian Countries which is extremely harmful there
Acid Rain Information Centre
*It is noteworthy that the Acid Rain Information Centre (ARIC) is situated in Manchester, England.
N2 and their oxides.
Volcanic eruption, biological decay and lightning strikes
When both organic and inorganic nutrients become excess in water then this phenomenon is called Eutrophication.
algal bloom.
Eutrophication leads to algal bloom. In this process on the surface of water body gets covered by blue-green algae along with a number of plants.
Biological Oxygen Demand is
BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand is the main unit of measurement of water pollution
Biological Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.)
As a result, the level of dissolved oxygen (DO) also decreases. Therefore, the demand for O2is directly related to the amount of increased waste. This demand is called Biological Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.
called highly polluted water.
When this level goes below 4.0 mgL–1 then that water is called highly polluted water.
highest level of BOD in
The highest level of BOD in the Ganga river is found between Kanpur and Allahabad.
Arsenic in the state of the compound, is found at many places on the earth
Black Foot disease.
The continuous contact with Arsenic leads to in Black Foot disease.
aff ected by Arsenic pollution
India and plains of Padma-Meghna of Bangladesh is mostly aff ected by Arsenic pollution.
Biological Desert’ i
Damodar river has become the most polluted river of the country as it fl ows through the coal mines and industrial areas. It has become ‘Biological Desert’ in 300 km. long way between Giridih and Durgapur.
Deadly chemicals like
like Arsenic, Fluoride and Uranium have been found in groundwater.
Knock-knee syndrome
Knock-knee syndrome” is produced by the pollution of Fluoride.
Knock-knee’ syndrome.
High Fluoride storage is the only cause of bending of the feet, which is called ‘Knock-knee’ syndrome.
Ocean acidifi cation
Ocean acidifi cation is the ongoing decrease in the PH value of the earth’s oceans, caused by the intake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Unit of sound is
Noise of Jet Engine
120 dB
Landing of Jet Plane 150 dB
Rocket Engine 180 dB
green mu൷ er
green mu൷ er is a control measure for noise pollution by planting green plants.
Soil Pollution
Inorganic materials like phosphate and nitrate dissolve in thewater ecological system.This increases Eutrophication in hydroecological system.Nitrate pollutes the drinking water as well.
Plastic bag is a
Plastic bag is a thermoplastic which is obtained by polymerisation of ethylene.
On April, 1986, a
On April, 1986, a nuclear accident took place at a place named Chernobyl in Ukraine
Bhopal Gas Tragedy
3 December, 1984
Bio-remediation is used in cleaning surface and groundwater and soil, etc.
The process of expulsion of toxic pollutants from the environment by using micro-organism is called bio-remediatio
Genetic engineering
Genetic engineering can be used to create microorganisms specially designed for bio-remediation, for example, superbug Pseudomonas putida
European Emission Standards.
At present nitrogen oxides (NOx), total hydrocarbon (THC), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM) related to emission are regulated under European Emission Standards.
Euro Standards.
European Union laid down emission standards, which is known as Euro Standards.
Automobiles use
Automobiles use lead as an anti knocking agent.
Lead when released in the air with exhaust are most toxic.
Cadmium works as r
Cadmium works as respiratory poison.
Excess of cadmium in drinking water leads to
Excess of cadmium in drinking water leads to Itai Itai or ouch-ouch disease. It leads to severe pain in bones and joints.
Mercury (Hg) leads to Minamata disease. An amalgam of Mercury present in wastewater gets converted into toxic matter (methyl mercury).
Fluoride pollution is responsible for
air (prevention and control of pollution) Act,
Asbestos is poisonous material whose dust could cause lung cancer.
Mercury aff ects
human stomach.
all four major pollutants are from steel industries in India.
Carbon mono Oxide, Oxides of sulphur, Nitrogen Oxide and Carbon dioxide (CO2) all four major pollutants are from steel industries in India.
are poisonous and cancer-causing chemicals produced by certain molds which grow in soil, decaying vegetation and grain
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation
La-Nino represents periods of below-average sea surface temperatures across the east-central equatorial pacifi c.
Which of the following is produced during the formation of photochemical smog?
Nitrogen Oxides
Photochemical smog is a resultant of the reaction among.
NO2, O3 and peroxyacetyl nitrate in the presence of sunlight
Smog is essentially
Oxide of nitrogen and sulphur
Which of the following is the reason behind the maximum noise pollution?
Jet Flight
During normal conditions, the gas which pollutes the atmosphere i
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Which one of the following is not a secondary pollutant?
PAN (Peroxyacetyl Nitrate), Ozone and Smog are secondary pollutants because these are formed after reaction of primary pollutants with atmosphere. While oxide of sulphur (mainly sulphur dioxide), an oxide of nitrogen, carbon monoxide are primary pollutants as these directly spread in the air and pollute the atmosphere.
Which among the following is the secondary pollutant
Colourless gas coming out from motor vehicle and cigarette due to incomplete combustion is
Carbon monoxide
Which one of the following air pollutants can aff ect blood- stream leading to death?
Carbon monoxideU.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2
Combustion of petrol in automobiles pollutes the air by producing the following metal.
Which of the following air pollutants get dissolved in the haemoglobin of the blood more rapidly than
The molecular weight of carbon monoxide is similar to that of air. It mixes freely with air in any proportion. Carbon monoxide is not detectable by humans either by taste or smell. In the human body, it reacts with haemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin (COHb).
Which of the following air pollutants is most dangerous?
Carbon monoxide
Indiscriminate use of fertilizers has led to :
Soil Pollution(b) Water pollution(c) Air pollution(d) All of the above
The highest chemical pollution is caused by the industrial e൷ uents of
Leather industry
The component(s) of acid rain is/ar
HNO3 (b) H2SO4
Which of the following, when dissolved in rainwater turns rainwater acidic (acid rain
Oxide of Sulphur
Acid rain is caused by
Which one of the following is an air pollutant gas and is released by burning fossil fuel?
Sulphur dioxide is an air pollutant gas and is released by burning fossil fuel.
Fly ash pollution is caused by
Thermal power plant
Bhopal Gas Tragedy (leakage of methyl isocyanate 36. Which one of the following is an air pollutant gas and is released by burning fossil fuel?‘MIC’) accident happened on –
December 3, 1984
Polythene is made up of molecules of carbon and hydrogen. It is a polymer of ethylene (C2H4). It is non-biodegradable. This is the reason why polythene bags cannot be destroyed
Which one of the following is biodegradable?
A substance capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organism and thereby avoiding pollution is called biodegradable. Among the given options, rubber is biodegradable
Which of the following takes maximum time to decay
) Plastic bag
Bioindicators are living organisms that respond in a specially clear way to a change in the environment. The hardy lichens areuseful bioindicators for air pollution, especially sulphur dioxide pollution since they derive their water and essential nutrientsmainly from the atmosphere rather than from the soil.
Which one of the following is the well known example of bioindicator of air pollution?
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is an indication of pollution in :
Aquatic environment
The water pollution in a river is determined by measuring the dissolved amount of
With reference to Eutrophication, which of the following statements is/are correct?1. It is a phenomenon of nutrient enrichment of a water body.2. It depletes dissolved oxygen of the water.Select the correct answer using codes given below :Codes :(a) 1 only(b) 2 only(c) Both 1 and 2(d) Neither 1 nor 2
c) Both 1 and 2
BOD is maximum in the Ganga river between
Allahabad and Patna