3 Flashcards
at least two of Aristotle;s works specifically concern morality
Eudemian Ethics, Nicomachean Ethics
_______ has been regarded as the ethics of Aristotle since the beginning of the Christian era
Nicomachean Ethics
three general descriptions can be used to depict Aristoltle’s ethics
- self-realizationism
- eudaimonistic
- aretai
Aristotle’s ethical system may be termed __________. In his philosophy, when someone acts in line with his nature or end (telos) and thus realizes his full potential, he does moral and will be happy.
artistotle’s view is also of a type known as _________. As sich, it focuses on happiness or good for man and how to obtain it.
Aristotle’s moral philosophy is ______, or virtue-based. Whereas act-oriented ethics is focused mainly on what we should do, virtue ethics is interested basically in what we should be, that is, the character of the person we should struggle to become.
___________ is the end or purpose
Aristotle argues (with Plato in sperate realm of forms), he argues that rational beings can discover the _______ of things and that a being’s ______ is its potential fulfillment or telos
the essence or telos of a human being is _______ and thus, a life of ______ is the best kind of life for true human flourishing.
- rationality
- contemplation
all humans seek happiness (________), but in diff ways
well being
true happiness is tied to the purpose or end (______) of human life.
the essence (_______) of human beings (that which separates and distinguishes them as a species) is Reason.
_____ employed in achieving happiness leads to moral virtues and intellectual virtues
By ______, he means those which the person with wisdom would choose because what is good is obvious to such a person.
virtuous actions
Aristotle believes that the ultimate human goal is _______
achieving one’s natural purpose by functioning or living consistently with _________
human nature
Aristotle identifies three natures of man
vegetable or physical
animal or emotional
rational or mental
the thing that distinguishes hu,ans from all other creatures is the _______ or ________
rational nature, ability to reason
__________ is viewed as vital in self-realization or developing one’s potential
living in accordance with reason
_______, the awareness of ourr nature and the development of our potentials is the key to human happiness
______ for Aristotle is the inquiry into the human good
the human good is _______ or _____
eudaimonia or happiness
aristotle also considers happiness as the _________ - the greatest good of all human life.
summun bonum
he adds that the (happiness) is the only ______ , that is, the good that is pursued for its own sake
intrinsic good
the man’s ultimate goal as it is an end in itself
attained by the habitual practice of moral and intellectual excellences
aristotle’s idea pf happiness should also be understood in the sense of
human fluorishing
Aristotle employs the word “_____” to refer to mora virtue. one denotion of the term, a condition in which something must actively hold itself.
________ for Aristotle, is the only practical road to effective action.
moral virtue
refers to an excellence of moral or intellectual character.
Aristotle distinguishes two kinds of virtue
virtue of intellect, moral virtues
corresponds to the fully rational parts of the soul
intellect (virtues of intellect)
part of the rational soul which can obey reason
moral virtues
expression of character, formed by habits reflecting repeated choices, hence is also called virtue of character
moral virtue
follow from our nature as rational beings, they are traits that enable us to act according to reason
moral virtues
excess and defect normally indicate a _____
the golden mean between two less desirable extremes
moral virtue
aristotle mentions four basic moral virtues
courage, temperance, justice, prudence
the golden mean between cowardice (deficiency) and tactless rashness (excess)
the mean between gluttony (excess) and extreme frugality (deficiency)
the virtue of giving others the right that they deserve, neither more nor less
what helps us to know what is just reasonable in various circumstances, enabling us to keep away from excess and defect is the moral virtue called _____ or ____
prudence or wisdom
the ______, the intellectual virtue of practical wisdom, is the kind of moral knowledge which guides us to what is appropriate in conjunction with moral virtue
the ______ or ______ is a grasp of the appropriate way to respond - to feel and act - in a particular situation.
phronesis or practical wisdom
once we learn the proper amount, we have the right to prescription (_______)
orthos logos
Aristotle’s complete picture of a ________ therefore is someone who constantly and habitually acts according to moral virtue and practical wisdom
morally virtuous man
his comprehensive notion of ________ is that it is a state of character manifested in choice and action , resting in the gold mean, resolved by the prescription that a wise person would determine
moral virtue
additional moral values
generosity, civility, trustworthiness, reliability, sociability, dependability, honesty, sincerity, gentleness, tolerance, benevolence, cooperativeness, empathy, tact, kindness, and good temper
no culture considers
envy, spite, dishonestly, insensitivity, cruelty, arrogance, injustice, cowardice, self-centeredness