2Reading Vocabulary1 Flashcards
Name some words and signals that introduce claims
admit-admission; agree-agreement; argue-argument; assert-assertion; believe-belief; claim-claim; consider-consideration; contend-contend; insist-insistence; state-statement; suggest-suggestion
Name some words and signals that introduce evidence
cite-citation; indicate-indication; point out/to; prove-proof reveal-revelation; show
Name some phrases that introduce claims
according to; in the opinion of; in the words of; it is clear/likely that; there is little/no doubt that
Name some phrases that introduce evidence
according to; a study found/showed; the evidence shows; in fact; the fact is/that; is evidence of; it is reported that; statistics show
Name some strategies which help you identify claims and evidence
- identify his claims as soon as possible -> located in the first few paragraphs and summarized in the final paragraph of a text
- scan the text for key words, names, dates, phrases, and statistics
- ask yourself: what is the writes point of view? what claim does the writer make? what evidence does the writer use
- look for sentence that connect statements at the end of one paragraph with the next paragraph (->claim at the end of the paragraph and elaborate on or give evidence in the next paragraph)
-a situation in which a person is not known by or spoken of by name
-to state an opinion or claim a right forcefully ->behaupten
- to say or think that something is the result or work of something or someone else
- > zuschreiben, beilegen, zurechnen
-existing or acting separately from other things or people
-to take or carry someone or something to a particular place -> vermitteln, übertragen, leiten
head start
- the advantage of beginning before others in a completion or other situation
- > Vorsprung
-something that makes progress or movement difficult or impossible -> Behinderung
-something that comes before another and may lead to it or influence its development ->Vorläufer oder Vorgänger
-relating to a complete change in a system of government or bringing or causing great change
rule of thumb
-a method of judging a situation or condition that is not exact but is based on experience ->Faustregel
-at exactly the same time ->gleichzeitig
target audience
-the particular group of people to which an advertisement is directed ->Zielgruppe
-the act of sending or giving something
-an effort to do something, especially to do a large or difficult job ->Unternehmen, Unternehmung, Project
- real and able to be shown or touched
- >greifbar, konkret