2nd Six Weeks Test Flashcards

Ancient Egypt
Lower: Gizeh & Saqqara
Upper: Edfu
Old Kingdom: 2670-2150 BCE
Middle Kingdom: 2150- 1800 BCE
New Kingdom: 1550-1070 BCE
Armana Period 1370-1350 BCE
The Rosetta Stone
Discovered by Napoleon in 1799
3 languages:
- ) Formal Egyptian Heiropglyphic
- ) Demotc
- ) Classical Greek
The Palette of King Narmer
Oldest Work of Art the Documents Historic Event
Unification of Upper and Lower
Cannon- sets up human figure depiction
Utilitarian- eye makeup
Heiarchial Scale
Stepped Pyramid of King Zoser
Imhotep- First Recorded Artist
Knowledge of civilization rest soley in tombs
Always engaged
Fluted columns- harmony and elegance
Papyrus columns- lower egypt
The Sphinx
Gaurdian of tomb
image of Khafre
Largest Sculpture
Burried in middle tomb
Demonstrates the artist’s cubc veiw of the human figure
Served as a home for Ka
Shows the falcon of Horus
Idealized features representing majesty
Seated Scribe
Individualized torso
lower heiarchy
eyes wide and alert
Old Kingdom sculpture that exemplifies increased realism
Ti watching a hippo hunt
Metaphor for truimph over evil forces
imprtance in society
Queen Hatshepsut
first great female monarch recorded
architecture within natural setting
horizontal rhythm
Hatshepsut and offering jars
Anatomically male
Temple of Amen-Re
Example of hypostyle hall
Temple of Horus
Pylon Temple
Fowling Scenes
Fresco Secco
Artistic recolution in which the figures became elongated and androgynous
moved captital to thebes
Stylistic Changes during the Amarna Period
Effeminate body with curving contours
long full-lipped face, heavy eye lids and dreamy expression
The body is ddly misshapen with weak arms, narrow waist, protruding belly, wide hips, and fatty thigh
Bust of Nefertiti
The Beautiful one is here
At Historians compared this to a flower
features adjusted to the new standard of spiritual beauty
Queen Tyre
Depiction of Age
not of royal birth
Death Mask of Tutankhamen
Discovered in 1922
Howard Carter
Valley of the Kings
Pharoh for 10 years
Tomb found in tact
Last Judgement of Hu-Nefer
demonstrates a return to the Old Kingdom funerary Illustrations
Late period in egyptian art
Demonstrates a return to the conservative (Old Kingdom)
Conservatism was Egypts character trait
ex Mentuemhet