2nd Midterm Fall 2017 Semester Flashcards
O: lateral supracondylar ridge
I: Styloid process of the radius
N: Radial Nerve
A: flexion when forearm in midposition
Aconeus Muscle
O: laretal epicondyle of humerus
I: lateral surface of ulna
N: radial
A: extension & pronation
Radial-ulnar joint
Supination and pronation
Radius rotates around ulna distally
Radius rotates into radial notch proximal
Elbow Joints
Radial collateral Ulnar collateral -anterior bundle -posterior bundle -transverse bundle Angular ligament of the radius
Arches of Hand
Arch btwn thumb and index finger
Bones of Thumb (Distal to Proximal)
2nd phalanx 1st phalanx 1st metacarpal Trapezium Scaphoid
Joints of Thumb (4)
Intrinsic Hand Muscles
-Muscles of opposition
- digiti minimi (pinky)
- pollicis (Thumb)
- digiti minimi brevis (pinky)
- pollicis brevis (Thumb)
- digiti minimi brevis (pinky)
- pollicis brevis (Thumb)
Types of Hand Function
Prehension -static grips or dynamic grips Percussion Gesture Weight Support Exploration & touch communication
Palm Muscles
Lumbricals Dorsal & Palmar Interossei -DAB: Dorsal AB-Duct -PAD: Palmar AD-duct Adductor Pollicis
Thenar Muscles (Thumb)
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
ABductor Pollicis Brevis
Opponens Pollicis
Hypothenar (pinky)
Palmaris Brevis
Flexor Digiti Minimi
AB-ductor Digiti Minimi
Opponens Digiti Minimi
Blood & Nerve Supply of Hand
Radial Artery (take pulse)
Ulnar Artery
-medial 1 1/2 digits
-palmar and dorsal innervation
- only nerve through carpal tunnel
- palmar and dorsal side of 3 1/2 fingers
- dorsal innervation, over finger tips stop at DIP Joint
- dorsal lateral aspect of hand
- dorsal 3 1/2 fingers from DIP JOINT and continues proximally
Anterior Forearm Muscles (Flexors)
4-superficial (PFPF)
- Pronator Teres
- Flexor Carpi Radialus
- Palmaris Longus
- Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
-Flexor Digitorium Superficialis
- Flexor Digitorium Profundus
- Flexor Pollicis Longus
- Pronator Quadratus
Pronator Teres
- Humeral head: proximal to medial epicondyle, common flexor tendon
- Ulnar head:coronoid process
I: radius, midway along lateral shaft
N: median nerve
A: pronates FA, SECONDARY elbow flexor
Flexor Carpii Radialis
O: medial epicondyle of humerus by CTF, adjacent internuscular septum & antebrachial septum
I: palmar aspect of 2nd MC base and slip of 3rd MC base
N: Median
A: flex wrist, ABduct Radial deviation
Palmaris Longus
O: medial epicondyle by CFT, adj inter muscular septum, antebrachial fascia
I: Flexor retinaculum at wrist & palmar aponeurosis
N: Median Nerve
A: flexes wrist, tenses palmar aponeurosis
Flexor Carpii Ulnaris
Humeral head- medial epicondyle by CFT
Ulnar head-medial margin of olecranon, proximal 2/3 of post border of ulna
I: pisiform & hamate bone and 5th MC by pisohamate & pisometacarpal ligament
N: ulnar Nerve
A: flex wrist, ulnar deviation
Flexor Digitorium Superficialis
-Humeroulnar Head: med epicondyle, UCL, intermuscular Septa & Med aspect of coronoid process
-radial head: anterior radial border
I: middle phalanges of 4 lesser fingers via 4 tendons
N: Median
A: Flexes PIP, MCP of the lesser 4 digits and wrist
Flexor Digitorium Profundus
O: Ant, Med & posterior surfaces of proximal 3/4 ulna, and med aspect of coronoid process and interosseous membrane
I: Palmar Aspect Base of distal phalanges
- Lateral 1/2: Ant Interosseous
- Medial 1/2: Ulnar
A: flexes DIP of lesser 4 digits, secondarily PIPs, MCPs and wrist
Flexor Pollicis Longus
O: Ant surface of radius b/t the tuberosity & pronator quadratus muscle, adjacent Interosseous membrane
I: distal phalanx of Thumb, volar surface
N: Anterior Interosseous
A: Flexes IP joint of Thumb
Flexor Quadratus
O: Anterior surface of ulna along oblique ridge
I: Anterior border and surfaces of radius along distal 1/4
N: Anterior Interosseous
A: pronates forearm, opposes separation of ulna and radius
Dorsal Forearm Muscles (Extensors)
Laws of 3: wrist, thumb, fingers and (Aconeus, brachioradialis & supinator)
Superficial: Brachioradialis Extensor Carpii Radialis Longus Extensor Carpii Radialis Brevis Extensor Digitorium Extensor Digiti Minimi Extensor Ulnaris
Deep: Anconeus Supinator ABdor pollicis Longus Extensor Pollicis Brevis Extensor Pollicis Longus Extensor indices
O: sup 2/3 of lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus & lateral intermuscular septum
I:distal aspect of lateral surface of radius, proximal styloid process
N: radial
A:Flexes elbow
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
O:inf 1/3 lateral supracondylar ridge, intermuscular septum, lateral epicondyle
I: base of 2nd MC on dorsal lat aspect
N: radial
A: Ext wrist, ABduct hand (radial deviation)
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus by CET, radial collateral ligament, adjacent and intermuscular septum
I: base of 3rd MC on dorsal lateral aspect
N: radial Nerve
A: Ext wrist, ABduct hand
extensor Digitorium
O: lateral epicondyle by CET, intermuscular septum, antebrachial fascia
I: dorsal digital expansion of lesser 4 digits
N: deep branch of the radial
A: ext wrist & IP’s and MCPs of lesser 4 digits
Extensor Digiti Minimi
O: lateral epicondyle by CET & adjacent antebrachial fascia
I: dorsal digital expansion of 5th digit
N: Deep Branch of Radial Nerve
A: Ext wrist & 5th Digit
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
O: lateral epicondyle by CET, post border of ulna, overlying antebrachial fascia
I: base of 5th MC @ medially located tubercle
N: Deep Branch of Radial Nerve
A: Ext wrist, ADducts hand (Radial deviation)
O:lateral epicondyle
I: lat aspect of olecranon process
N: radial
A: assist w/ elbow extension
4 syllables = 4 origins
2 insertions
O: lat epicondyle, Radial collateral lit, annular lig, supinator crest of ulna
I: proximal 1/3 of radius along post & lateral surface
N: Deep branch of Radial Nerve
A: supinator FA
ABdor Pollicis Longus
3 words = 3 origin sites
O: ulna, Interosseous membrane & post surface of radius
I: base of 1st MC
N: radial
A: Abds Thumb at 1st CMC joint
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
O: post surface of radius, adjoining Interosseous membrane
I: base of proximal phalanx of 1st digit
N: radial
A: ext 1st MCP & CMC joint
Extensor Pollicis Longus
O: Middle 1/3 of post surface of ulna & interroseous membrane
I: distal phalanx of Thumb on dorsal surface
N: radial
A: ext IP
Extensor Digiti indices
O: post distal surface of ulna
I: base of distal phalanx of index
N: radial
A: ext 2nd digit & wrist
ABductor Pollicis Brevis
O: Flexor retinaculum, scaphoid & trapezium
I: base of proximal phalanx of Thumb & extensor hood
N: Median
A: ABD thumb
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
Superficial: Flexor retinaculum & tubercle of trapezium
Deep: trapezoid, capitate & palmar carpal lig
I: proximal phalanx of Thumb
N: Median Nerve
A: flex 1st MCP & CMC
Opponens Pollicis
O: Flexor retinaculum & trapezium
I: lat border & palmar surface of 1st MC
N: Median
A: rotates Thumb into opposition
ADDuctor Pollicis
Oblique Head: capitate bone, bases of 3rd MC
Tranvs Head: volar aspect of 3rd MC
I: base of proximal phalanx of Thumb, volar side
N: ulnar
A: ADDs Thumb
Opponens Digiti Minimi
O: hook of hamate, flexor retinaculum
I: 5th MC along entire ulnar side
N: ulnar
A: opposes 5th digit
Flexor Digiti Mini
O: hook of hamate, Flexor retinaculum
I: proximal phalanx of 5th digit
N: ulnar
A: Flexes 5th digit
ABDuctor Digiti Minimi
O: pisiform bone, FCU
I: base of proximal phalanx at 5th digit
N: Ulnar
A: ABDs 5th digit at MCP
Palmaris Brevis
O: lat attach-Flexor ret, medial aspect of Palmar aponeurosis
I: dermis of hand medial border
N: ulnar
A: wrinkles skin medial side palm, deepens concavity of palm
O: blends w/ FDP tendons
I: extensor hoods digits 2-5
N: ulnar
A: Flexes MCPs & ext IPs of lesser 4 digits
Palmar Interossei
O: sides of MCs
I: extensor hoods of digits 1-5, prod phalanx of Thumb
N: ulnar
A:ADDs digits toward 3rd digit
Dorsal Interossei
O: adjacent sides of MCs
I: extensor hoods & proximal phalanx of digits 2-4
N: ulnar
A: ABDs digits 2-4
O: coracoid process
I: humerus midway along med border
N: musculocutaneous
A: flex & horizontal add of humerus
Biceps Brachii
short head O: Corachoid process I: flat tendon radial tuberosity A: flex elbow/humerus & supinator of forearm N: Musculocutaneous
long head
O: Glenoid labrum & supraglenoid tubercle
I: flat tendon radial tuberosity
A: flex elbow/humerus & supinator of forearm
N: Musculocutaneous
O:ant surface of humerus along distal 1/2,
I: coronoid process & ulna tuberosity
A: flex of elbow
N: musculocutaneous
Triceps Brachii
Long Head (O: scapula @ infraglenoid tubercle)
Lateral Head (O: narrow obliq area post surface humerus, sup spiral line & lat intermuscular septum)
Medial Head (O: large area post surface humerus, inf spiral line & med intermuscular septum)
I (all): common tendon to olecranon processof ulna (CTOPU)
N: radial
A (all): ext elbow; long Head-add humerus
Rectus Abdominus
Action: flexion of lumbar spine w/ fixed pelvis, Posterior pelvic tilt w/fixed rib cage, expiration, intra-dominal pressure
Fibers run vertically
Transverse Abdominus
Stabilize lumbar spine and pelvis before movement of upper/lower limbs occur
Fibers run horizontally
Wraps around to the back of body
External Obliques
Action:contraction there’s ipsilateral flexion of spine and contralateral trunk rotation