2nd Degree Quiz Flashcards
What does this pass grip demand?
A password
What is this?
The grip or token of an Entered Apprentice Freemason.
What does it demand?
A word.
Give me that word freely and at length.
What word is given to the Junior Warden on the 1st Circumambulation?
What is the word of an Entered Apprentice Freemason?
What is the word of a Fellow Craft Freemason?
How is JACHIN divided with the Worshipful Master?
How is JACHIN divided with the Junior Warden?
Lettered then halved.
How is JACHIN divided with the Senior Warden?
The import of the word JACHIN?
To Establish
The import of JACHIN combined with BOAZ?
What is the method of advancing from West to East?
The method of advancing from West to East in this Degree is by five steps as if ascending a winding staircase.
For your information I will go through them, and you will afterwards copy me.
Which way are you to face for the five steps?
Which way must your feet point?
Face South
Right foot pointing West
Left foot pointing South
What sign is given during the obligation?
Sign of fidelity.
What is the phrase about caution?
I was taught to be cautious in this degree as well as in the former.
I will letter or halve it with you.
What do you do and say when approaching the Junior Warden after the Fellow Craft obligation?
Fellow craft sign (Hold)
Brother Junior Warden, I present to you Brother XXXXX on his being passed to the second degree.
(Cut sign)
Then go to side of JW and demo Fellow Craft sign to candidate.
What do you do and say when approaching the Senior Warden after the Fellow Craft obligation?
Fellow craft sign (Hold)
Brother Senior Warden, I present to you Brother XXXXX on his being passed to the second degree.
(Cut sign)
What is the first sign given to the senior warden after the fellow craft obligation?
Instruct candidate to give the Entered Apprentice step, sign and cut.
What is the second sign given to the senior warden after the fellow craft obligation?
Instruct the candidate to take the Fellow Craft step.
What is that? (Pointing at the Fellow Craft step)
The second regular step in Freemasonry.
What is that? (Pointing to the sign of fidelity)
The sign of Fidelity.
Emblematically to shield the repository of my secrets from the attacks of the insidious.
What is that? (Pointing to the Hailing Sign or Sign of Perseverance)
The Hailing Sign or Sign of Perseverance
When did the Hailing Sign take its rise?
At the time that Joshua fought the battles of the Lord.
When it was in this position he prayed fervently to the almighty to continue the light of day.
That he might complete the overthrow of his enemies.
After cutting both parts of the Fellow Craft sign.
What is that? (Referring to the Penal sign)
The Penal Sign
To what does it allude? (The Penal sign)
The penalty of my obligation.
Implying that as a man of honour.
a Fellow Craft Freemason.
Would rather have had his heart.
Torn from his breast.
(Give and cut sign of Fidelity)
Than improperly disclose the secrets entrusted to him.
Whence is this word derived? (JACHIN)
From the right hand pillar.
At the porch way or entrance of King Solomon’s temple.
So named after JACHIN the Assistant High Priest who officiated at its dedication.
The import of that word? (JACHIN)
To Establish
And when conjoined with that in the former degree?
For God said;
‘In strength I will establish this mine house to stand firm forever.’
What do you say to the candidate when at the Junior Warden on the 1st contact of the 1st circumbulation?
Advance to the Junior Warden as such, showing the sign and communicating the token and word.
What do you say to the candidate at the Senior Warden’s pedestal on the 2nd circumbabulation?
Advance to the Senior Warden as such, showing the sign and communicating the pass grip and pass word you received from the Worshipful Master previously to leaving the lodge.
How is shibboleth depicted in our lodges?
By an ear of corn near to a fall of water.
What does shibboleth denote?
What is the password leading to the 2nd degree?
For the general salutes to the WM, JW and SW on the 1st and 2nd circumbabulations, what phrase is used?
Salute the XX as a Mason.