2nd Academic test – VFR navigation, Airspaces and Flight Plans Flashcards
How must a military flight plan be filed?
Local commander will establish policies specifying the flight plan or operator’s log to be used
What publication provides instructions for completing DD Form 175 flight plan entries?
General planning, chapter 4
With an Army aircraft bearing the serial numbers 57-9555, what entry would be placed in the Aircraft Call Sign block on the DD Form 175?
R79555 (R for Army + last 5 digits)
Are notations required on flight plan when VIP´s are on board the aircraft?
How is fuel on board listed on a DD 175?
(hours + minutes) total time that the aircraft can stay aloft
What would be an approved method for closing flight plans at military installations?
PC will ensure that flight plan has been closed. The pilot should verbally confirm closing with tower or base ops.
Can you legally file a flight plan to a Class D airspace that reports SVFR?
What are the Rotary Wing Day VFR minimums for Fort Rucker operated airports/heliports?
1/2 SM visibility and 300 feet ceiling
When citing a previously filed FF form 365-4 for a normal loading, what is the correct method of entry for weight and balance on a DD 175?
(filed at) _______/(date)
TR (track)
The actual flight patch over the ground measured clockwise from True North
TC (true course)
The angle measured clockwise from true north to the proposed flight patch
MH (magnetic heading)
The angle measured from magnetic north clockwise to the nose of the aircraft
DC (drift correction)
The amount of correction applied to prevent drifting off course
TAS (true airspeed)
Calibrated airspeed corrected for error due to air density (altitude and temperature)
GS (ground speed)
The speed of the aircraft over the ground
VAR (variation)
The angular difference between true north and magnetic north
Agonic line
A line connecting points of zero degrees variation
Isogonic line
A line connecting points of equal magnetic variation
CAS (calibrated airspeed)
Indicated airspeed corrected for instrument installation error
TH (true heading)
The angle measured clockwise from True North to the nose of the aircraft
Which of the speeds are affected by the wind? (IAS, CAS, TAS or GS)
Ground speed
Drift angle is the different between
True heading and Track
Flying at 12,500´ PA – how long could you fly at this altitude without oxygen?
30 min
At what altitude are you required to always use oxygen?
14,000’ PA
At what altitude must all occupants of an unpressurized Army aircraft use oxygen?
Above 14,000’ PA
Special VFR minima for Army helicopters?
1/2 SM visibility and clear of clouds – unless a higher minimum is required at the airfield
What is the weather forecast void time?
1 hour and 30 minutes
What is the minimum altitude for crossing Wildlife Refuges Areas?
What minimum weather must be reported to enter any core surface area of controlled airspace VFR?
1000’ ceiling and 3 SM visibility
Above what altitude does the cruising altitude rule begin?
3000’ AGL 0-179 (odd) 180-359 (even)
Describe class A airspace?
Chart description: None
Lateral dimensions: The airspace overlying the waters within 12 NM off the coast of the 48 states and Alaska
Vertical dimensions: From 18,000’ MSL up to and including FL600
Operating requirements: IFR only, unless otherwise authorized by ATC
Cloud clearance requirements: None (IFR only)
Describe class B airspace:
Chart description: Blue concentric line
Lateral dimensions: As depicted
Vertical dimensions: As depicted
Operating requirements: ATC clearance required to enter and operate inside Class B.
Mode C transponder
Cloud clearance requirements: 3 SM visibility and clear of clouds
Describe class C airspace:
Chart description: Magenta concentric line
Lateral dimensions: Core surface area, 6 NM. Shelf, 10 NM.
Vertical dimensions: Cores surface area, surface to 4,000’ above airport elevation. Shelf, no lower than 1,200’ up to 4,000’ above the airport elevation.
**Operating requirements:** Two-way radio communications must be established prior to entry and maintained while inside Class C airspace. Mode C Transponder required inside and above class C airspace.
Cloud clearance requirements: 3 SM visibility, 500’ below, 1000’ above and 2000’ horizontal
Describe class D airspace:
Chart description: Blue segmented line
Lateral dimensions: As depicted
Vertical dimensions: Generally from the surface to 2,500’ above the airport elevation (charted in MSL)
Operating requirements: Two-way radio communications must be establish prior to entry and maintained while inside Class D airspace.
Cloud clearance requirements: 3 SM visibility, 500’ below, 1000’ above and 2000’ horizontal.
Describe class E airspace:
Chart description: Magenta and blue vignettes, and magenta dashed lines.
Lateral dimensions: As depicted
Vertical dimensions: From wherever it begins to a designated altitude, or to the adjacent or overlying controlled airspace.
Operating requirements: Normally none
Cloud clearance requirements:
Below 10,000’ MSL – 3 SM visibility, 500’ below, 1000’ above and 2000 horizontal
At/above 10,000’ MSL – 5 SM, 1000’ below, 1000’ above and 1 SM horizontal. Mode C Transponder.
Describe class G airspace:
Chart description: Generally none
Lateral dimensions: Outside of controlled airspace
Vertical dimensions: Outside of controlled airspace
Operating requirements: None
Cloud clearance requirements:
Below 1,200’ AGL regardless of MSL altitude – 1/2 SM visibility day, 1 SM visibility night, clear of clouds
Above 1,200’ AGL/below 10,000’ MSL – 1 SM visibility day, 3 SM visibility night, 500’ below, 1000’ above and 2000 horizontal
Above 1,200’ AGL/above 10,000’ MSL – 5 SM visibility, 1000’ above, 1000’ below and 1 SM horizontal
What is the TRSA?
Terminal Radar Service Area
Areas where participating pilots can receive additional radar services which have been redifined as TRSA service
How would an Army aviator participate in a TRSA?
Contact them themselves
What is the purpose of a Warning Area?
To warn nonparticipating pilots of the potential danger from activity that may be harzardous to nonparticipating aircraft