2nd-3rd & 3rd-2nd mixed conditional translation Flashcards
Si tuviera más experiencia, habría conseguido el trabajo.
If I had more experience, I would have got the job.
Si hablara inglés fluidamente, me habrían ascendido el año pasado.
If I spoke perfect English, I would have been promoted last year.
Si mí coche fuese un 4X4, no se habría atascado en el barro.
If my car were a 4X4, it wouldn’t have got stuck in the mud.
Si el clima fuese bueno en Inglaterra, no habría venido a vivir a España.
If the weather were good in England, I wouldn’t have come to live in Spain.
Si los cigarros no fuesen tan caros, no habría dejado de fumar.
If cigarettes weren’t so expensive, I wouldn’t have given up smoking.
Si tuviera más tiempo libre, habría ido a la boda.
If I had more free time, I would have gone to the wedding.
¿Habrías saltado si tuvieras veinte años menos?
Would you have jumped if you were twenty years younger?
Si fuera político, no habría dicho eso.
If I were a politician, I wouldn’t have said that.
Si hubiese nacido en Polonia, hablaría polaco fluidamente.
If I had been born in Poland, I would speak fluent Polish.
Si hubieses limpiado tus zapatos con abrillantador anoche, tendrías un aspecto más formal.
If you had cleaned your shoes with polish last night, you would look more formal.
Yo no fumaría si me hubiesen operado hace un mes.
I wouldn’t smoke if I had been operated on a month ago.
Intentaría mantener la calma si me hubiese picado una serpiente.
I would try to stay calm If I had been bitten by a snake.
Si Napoleón no hubiese escapado de la isla de Elba, el duque de Wellington no sería tan famoso hoy en día.
If Napoleon hadn’t escaped from the Isle of Elba; the Duke of Wellington wouldn’t be so famous nowadays.
Si mi ex jefe no hubiese entrado en la empresa, yo no sería el director general hoy.
If my ex-boss hadn’t joined the company, I wouldn’t be Managing Director today.