2b - origin stories Flashcards
introducing the pentatuch: what is it?
the first 5 books of the bible
introducing the pentatuch: who is it?
multiple authors and editors (oral and written materials)
introducing the pentatuch: when was it written?
final edition in post exillic period
introducing the pentatuch: where was it written?
israel + babylon + post exilic israel
introducing the pentatuch: why was it written?
restore the exiles’ sense of nationhood & how to worship god back in israel
overview of the pentateuch: gen 1-11
primeval history
overview of the pentateuch: gen 12-50
first families narrative
overview of the pentateuch: exod 1-18
story of liberation
overview of the pentateuch: exod 19-40
revelation at sinai
overview of the pentateuch: numbers
sojourn in the wilderness
overview of the pentateuch: Deuteronomy
farewell address of moses
when god created the earth, what happened on each day?
- separates light from darkness
- separates sky and earth
- separates dry land from sea
- creates lights to govern day, night, and seasons
- creates sea creatures and birds
- creates land animals and humans
- rest
what are curses?
curses are a result of the “fall” and not something to be strived for
what is similar between the two creation accounts?
- humans are god’s creations
- they too are a creature and part of the created order
- earth is also god’s beloved creation
- humans are it’s caretakers
what happened in gen 4?
the story of cain and abel
describe the story of cain and abel
-community is shattered through envy and enmity
-the bond between brothers in broken but also between the land and cain
-this is the result of exile and isolation
-lamech only increases this distance through multiple killings
-adam and eve have a new son seth through which israel the nation will be born
describe the theme of the exile in genesis
-expelled from garden
-cain banished
-noah is a remnant
-tower of babel is destroyed
what does ha-adam mean?
“the human” or “the man”
what is the divine image?
refers to the biblical context that humans are created IN THE IMAGE OF GOD
what is the book of genesis about?
-first book in the bible
-beginning of the world
-god’s relationship with his creation
-entrance of sin
-establishment of gods covenant
what is the tower of babel?
a biblical narrative that explains the origin of different languages and the scattering of humanity across the earth.