2B Flashcards
Bee is covered by
Branched hair
What is the purpose of branched hair
Bee can feel with these hairs, it serves a the bee pollen temporary storage - pollen sticks well to their branched hair
The presence of______ at the tibia of the hind legs of the worker honey bees distinguishes them from the other hymenopterans externally.
corbicula (pollen baskets)
Shape of bee’s head
Flat and triangular
What can you find inside the head?
Brain, primary sensory organ, important glands that produce Royal jelly and various chemical pheromones used for communication
is a substance secreted from glands in a worker bee’s head and used as a food to feed brood.
Royal jelly
It is the three simple eyes
Eye that is used in poor light conditions within the hire.
Large compound eyes are used for:
General- distance sight
Queen’s eyes is smaller or larger than the worker bee?
What is the purpose of antennae?
Each antennae has thousands of tiny sensors that detect smell
What is the purpose of mandible?
Used for feeding larvae, collecting pollen, manipulating wax and carrying things.
Give me your thoughts about proboscis
At rest - retracted
When feeding or drinking - unfolds to form long tube that the bee uses like a straw.
It is the middle part of the bee body, segment between head and abdomen
It is where the two pairs of wings and six legs are anchored
How many wings does the bee have?
2 pairs = 4 wings
When does the wings attached?
To the meso and meta thorax
wings are hooked together by the _ in flight and
separate when the bee is at rest.
Flight temperature of wings
How does flight temperature works?
By passing the excess heat to the head by means of passive conduction and accelerated blood flow
Excess heat is eliminated by regurgitating droplet of water-down honey - which cools the head much like a sweat in I vertebrates
Average flight speed of worker
24 km/hour
Full nectar load flight speed
- 5 m/sec
Average flight speed of unloaded worker bees.
7.5 m/sec
Flight distance and speed depends upon___
Energy supplied derived from nectar metabolism
What happens if sugar falls bellow 1%?
Bees can no longer fly
What are their fuel?
Workers engorge honey and stores it in their stomach before leaving nest , gradually consuming it during flight
How many legs?
3 pairs of legs = 6 legs
What’s on the tip of their leg?
Taste receptors
What do they use to clean antennae?
Function of their middle leg.
Helps with walking and to pack loads of pollen
is the sticky resinous substance that the bees collet from the buds of trees and use to seal up cracks in the hive.
Purpose propolis
Used for variety of nifty products
Hind legs are specialized in what type of bee?
Worker bees
These tiny holes along the sides of a bee’s thorax and
abdomen are the means by which a bee breathes.
Where does trachea attached?
What hole in the thorax that tracheal mites gain , access to the trachea?
1st hole
Saliva is mixed with__ to make it sticky
Bees wax
Nervous system comprises a:
Small brain and 7 ganglia ( the 7th is near the abdomen)
The air sacs are connected to the surface by
tracheal tube
Air sacs emerges near the wings for_
What causes the distinctive buzz?
Rapid flapping of wings
At what mph that you can’t outrun a honeybee?
15 mph
What is the use of the forelegs?
Antennae cleaners
What is the use of hindleg?
Pollen baskets or corbicula
Reproductive organ ave well-developed in
Queen bee
Wax and scent glands are present in
Worker bees
Abdomen contains:
Digestive organs, reproductive organs, way and scent glands and infamous stinger
Adult honey bee and larva have how many abdominal segments?
It is a crop or storage area to hold freshly collected nectar or water for transport to or from the nest
Honey stomach
Digestion of food occur in
What is the purpose of hindgut?
Reclaims water and nutrients and passes small amount of indigestible wastes to the rectum for storage until excretion.
The abdomen of worker bees have how many abdominal segments?
7 visible segments
What is the first abdominal segment of worker bees?
There are actually_ abdominal segments
10 but the 8th, 9th, and 10th are hidden inside the 7th abdominal segment
It is the blood of bees
Blood is not carried by arteries and veins but Flows around the body, through the dorsal and ventral diaphragm called
Vessels, bellows or heart
Oxygen enters the bee via
Spiracles then to the bellowsin the abdomen which distribute it into the blood,
Each abdominal segment constructed of…
One large dosas and one ventral plate
The two plates (dorsal and ventral) is connected by
Membranes to allow the abdomento expand when the stomach is engorged with nectar or water and also pumping of the abdomen for increase oxygen uptake.
It contains most of the organ systems and some glands
Where is the sting situated?
Abdomen is externally….
The sting is made up of:
sting is made up of two barbed lancets below the stylet supported by hardened plates and strong muscles and connected to a poison and glands containing alarm substances.
It is highly modified ovipositor which evolved for its defensive function.
Sting has a large basal structure called
Bulb of stylet
is contained within a chamber at the end of the abdomen from which only its effective part, tapering, sharp-pointed shaft is protruded.
Sting has a solid structure shaft which is composed of the three separable pieces:
One above the stylet and two lancets below
What happens when bee stings the victim?
When the worker stings and the forward facing barbs catch hold in the skin, the worker then pulls away, ripping the sting out because of its 9 or 10 recurved barbs at the outer side near the end and dies within a few hours or days due to massive abdominal rapture
Venom is a mixture of
Proteins and peptides
What in the major component of protein in the venom
Other components of venom
Hyaluronidase, phospholipase a, acid phosphates, and histamine
Three levels of reactions in humans by sting
Local, systemic, anaphylactic
localized swelling followed by more extensive swelling a
Few hours later, affected area may become red, itchy and tender to 203 days.
Local reaction
- symptoms occur with seconds which include difficulty in breathing, confusion, vomiting and falling blood pressure which can lead to loss of consciousness and death from circulatory respiratory collapse. Resistance to bee stings may develop the more one isstung. Extremely sensitive individual may die from a single sting.
Anaphylactic reaction
occurs within few minutes of stinging which may involve a whole body rash, wheezing, nausea, vomiting, abdominal and fainting.
Systemic reaction
It causes cell lyses; pain, toxicity, synergistic with mellitin
Phospholipase A
It causes lyses ot blood and most cells; release of histamine and serotonin from mast cells, and depression of blood pressure and respiration
Hydrolyzes connective tissue called spreading factor
since it opens up passages for other components;
Itching pain; amount in venom much lower than toxic
levels or amount released by mast cells
Involved in allergic reaction
Acid phosphates
Wax production is used for
Comb construction
Beeswax is produced by
Modified epidermal cells located ventrally on the 4th to 7th abdominal segments
Best bee hive temp for wax secretionand manipulation in the bee hive is
35°C or 33 - 36°C
best beehive temperature for wax secretion
and manipulation in the beehive is at
35°C (33-36°C).
The best beehive temperature for wax secretion
and manipulation in the beehive is at
35°C (33-36°C).
Wax secreting cells_ when was is not being produced
Wax are removed by
Brushing the spines of the hind basitarsi on the mirrors