2a. Humans have influenced the climate system Flashcards
Increase in global temperatures
- There’s been a consistent rise in global and + ocean temperatures in the 20th century
- From 1978, temperatures began to gradually rise up until 2014
- 2014 = warmest year fro average global land + ocean temperatures
Shrinking valley glaciers & ice glaciers
- Glaciers can visually show us the rate of climate change through their rate of retreat
- Their retreat/growth can show regional & global indicators on climate change
- Comparing glaciers current size to their former size can identify short/long term trends
Rising Sea Level
- Since 1990, the avg rise in sea level is 1 - 2.5 mm/year
Eustatic :
- Increased melting of ice sheets + glaciers (Antarctica + Greenland)
- Thermal expansion due to rising temperatures ( accounts fro 1/2 of the observed rise in sea level)
- Variations in sea levels across the world due to the land mass re-bound (isostatic rebound)
The Greenhouse Effect (Natural & anthropogenic)
- The natural greenhouse effect allows the earth to self-regulate & react to the changing vol of atmospheric GHG’s
- Anthropgenic greenhouse effect causes sudden disruptions to the earth, putting it out of equilibrium
- Constant input of GHG’s will push the earth over the tipping point
Reasons for rising emissions since the pre-industrial era: Land Use change
- Account fro 1/3 of GHG emissions
- 40% of change = agricultural
- 25% of global forest lost since 1700
Example: Amazon basin - 80% of deforestation is due to agriculture + plantations
Reasons for rising emissions since the pre-industrial era: Globalisation
- Increased flows of migration
- National + international travel
- Increased number of goods air freighted
- Carbon footprint of planes = x29 higher than trains
Reasons for rising emissions since the pre-industrial era: Carbon footprint
- Imports/exports
- Manufactoring
- Power stations
- US = largest global carbon footprint
- Avg US household produces 50 tonnes co2 per year = x5 greater than the global average
- 87% of global energy production is from burning fossil fuels
Reasons for rising emissions since the pre-industrial era: Population Growth
- 1800 = 1bn
- 2015 = 7.4bn
- Development of EDC’s
- Increased population = increased consumption = increased production + imports/exports of goods
- Consumerism
- Urbanisation
- Increased incomes = increased demand
How do humans influence the global energy balance?
- Global energy balance alters due to the increased input of GHG’s into the atmosphere by humans
- Increased outgoing long wave energy (Heat) is absorbed and returned to the earths surface = increased temperatures
- Higher evaporation rates due to high temperatures
- Increased latent heat transfers to the atmosphere in water vapour = GHG = further alters the energy balance
- Rising temperatures, decreases albedo due to melting ice sheets so heat energy is absorbed by dark surfaces
Case Study: AC = UK
- Their contribution to anthropogenic GHG emissions overtime
Why are the total emission in the UK falling?
- British government pushed to decarbonise the British economy = increased reductions in future carbon emissions
- Joined the Paris agreement (aim to keep global temperatures <2 degrees)
- Decreased internal manufacturing of goods - most sourced from Asia
Why the UK has reduced its dependance on Coal?
- Improvements in energy conservation = increase efficiency in buildings
- International agreements + obligations forced changes in emissions
- Development of nuclear power stations (1970’s)
- increased sources of renewable energy (1090’s)
Case Study: EDC = China
- Their contribution to anthropogenic GHG emissions overtime
Why is China dependant on Coal?
- large indigenous reserves = cheap
- Large population + industrial demands
- Many western companies have their goods produced in China as its cheaper
- Globalisation =increased demand
- TNC’s move to china to produce goods
International agreements:
- Except from these e.g Kyoto (1990’s)
- Increased rural - urban migration in the past 40yrs
- Chinas economic growth is based on manufacturing + exports of goods