2A - Change in UK Cities Flashcards
Name 3 reasons why New Islington needed to be regenerating
- Cardroom Estate built in Manchester in 1960s
- Replaced old, cramped terraces that housed wokers
- By mid 1990s estate = run-down + bad reputation
- 50% houses = empty or used as squats
- Area had many economic + social problems:
- High unemployment, burglary, vandalism, etc
Name 4 ways how New Islington was regenerated
- Government’s regeneration agency worked with private companies and local residents to improve area = renamed New Islington
- 1700 homes built & new tramp stop = improved public transport
- New community facilities = health centre, village hall & restaurants & cafes
- Provided orchard, eco-park & football pitch = make it more attractive to live
Liverpool is a ___ city in __ __ England
Port city in North West England
Where was Liverpool developed on & what did this help it to become important?
River Mersery estuary & became important port for cotton, sugar, slave ships coming from Africa and West Indies
What did Liverpool also develop?
Thriving manufacturing insurty = employing many people
What played a large role in shaping the character of Liverpool?
- People from Wales = attracted by jobs builing canals & railways
- Irish immigrants (1/4 of population by 1850) from famine
Describe what occured in Liverpool from 1850 to 1960
Ships worldwide regularlu arrived in Liverpool & people set up their own communities e.g. Chinatown (1st of its kind in Europe)
What happened in the 1960s and what did this lead to?
Decline of docks = closure of 250 factories = unemployment & deprivation
What has happened recently in Liverpool?
Attracted huge investment for regeneration & chosen European Captial of Culture in 2008
Name 4 social and economic opportunities (brought to Liverpool due to urban change)
- Cultural mix
- Recreation and entertainment
- Employment
- Integrated transport systems
Describe Liverpool’s cultural mix
- Ethnic diversity from migration = brought range of foods, festivals and cultural experiences = attracts people
- e.g. Liverpool’s Chinatown = popular tourist destination & has thriving Chinese community
Describe Liverpool’s recreation & entertainment (3x)
- Albert Dock = restored & developed to include shops, restaurants & museums (e.g. the Beatles Story)
- Echo Arena port and concert venue = built on brownfield site at Kings Dock
- £1 billion = regenerating city centre = Liverpool ONE
- Large shopping/leisure complex
Describe Liverpool’s employment
- Tourism + service sectors = many jobs + new business developments e.g. Liverpool Science Park
- ‘Baltic Triangle’ = from derelict factories to spaces for creative industries
- Art, film making, digital design
- Liverpool 2 = new container port
Describe Liverpool’s integrated transport systems
- Merseytravel = operates city’s bus, train & ferry networks
- Prepaid card = used on all different networks
- Making transfers easier
Name 2 environmental opportunities
- Decline of industry = places run down & open spaces = wasteland
- Urban greening used = regeneration
- Trying to increase/preserbe open spaces = public parks & gardens
- More cycle and pedestrain routes created & wasteland = parks
- Liverpool ONE = five acre park in city centre
Name 5 social and economic challenges
- Industrial decline in 20th century = inner city = deprived
- Areas of inner city: Anfield = most deprived in England
- Regeneration = increased inquality
- Wealthier people = better acess to housing, schooling, etc
- Inner city areas = redeveloped
- Existing housing = cleared & replaced with modern housing
- New housing = too expensive for former resisdents
- Many children in deprived areas = leave school without basic qualifiactions
- Low incomes + high unemployment
- 9% of adults in Anfield = unemployed
- Unhealthy lifestyles = common in deprived areas
- Life expectancy in Toxteth = over 10 years lower than wealthier areas
Name 3 environmental challenges
- People left inner city areas = buildings empty
- Derelict buildings = graffti & vandalism e.g. Toxteh = run down
- Growth of city + movement of people to suburbs = pressure to build on greenfield sites
- = destroyed habitats
- Brownfield sites better = but land needs cleaning and decontaminating
- Waste disposal bad as pop. grows
- Plans to build new waste and recycling centre in Old Swan
What is urban sprawl?
Is the unplanned growth of urban areas into surrounding countryside
What is a rural-urban fringe?
Is an area of transition where there’s a mix of urban and rural land use
What are commuter settlements?
Places in the rural-urban fringe where the majority of the population leaves the town each day to work elsewhere
As Liverpool has growth, what has happened?
Sprawled outwards - merging with urban areas = create Merseyside conurbation
How has the Merseyside conurbation affected the rural-urban fringe? (2x)
- Large housing estates = built on rural greenfield land
- Pleasant environment BUT open spaces lost & ecosytems damaged/destroyed
- Out-of-town developments e.g. New Mersey Shopping Park = exploit cheaper land outside city + accessible to lots of people
- Large rural areas lost = air and noise pollution & traffic congestion (use car)
Name 4 challenges caused by commuter settlement
- New housing developments affect character of rural settlements + damage envrionment
- Demand for houses increases house prices
- Locals can’t afford to remain
- Aughton prices = highest
- Businesses in commuter settlements = suffer = population absent & spend money where they work than live
- Large no. of commuters = pollution, traffic congestion, parking problems