2a. Capital Gains Tax Relief Flashcards
What’s the order of reliefs to consider first
Private Resident Relief
- What type of relief : exempt/deferral/reduced rate
- Overview of relief
- if an individual sells what
- all or part of the gain will be what from capital gains tax - Qualifying business assets
- what type of building
- grounds of up to how many hectare - Claim time period
- if there’s a second property what must you do
- within how many year of acquiring a second property - Computation
Reduce / add PRR & letting relief agains what - Amount of relief
If private resident owner occupied through the entire period of ownership = do what to the gain
= will it be chargeable
If private resident not owner occupied through the period of ownership
- what happens to the PRR
- what’s the calc : total gain x ( + / )
- If part of the property was let whilst owner occupied = what relief
- what’s the cal:
Lower of :
2. Maximum =
3. Part of chargeable gain (after PRR) that relates to what
- Deduct what first , PRR or LR agains what gain
- Other rules
deemed occupation : unconditional
- last how many months of ownership
Deemed occupation condition
- employed abroad =
- employed elsewhere in the uk = max how many years
- self employed working abroad or in the UK - total max how many years
- any reason = max how many years
- property is what during that period
- actual what at some time before and after some time of that period
- Exempt relief
- Overview of relief
- if an individual sells their private residence
- all or part of the gain will be exempt from CGT - Qualifying business assets
- private residential building
- grounds of up to half an heactare
4.claim time period
- if there’s a second property need to elect which property will be private residence
- within 2 years of acquiring a second property - Computation
- reduce PPR and letter relief against capital gains - Amount of relief
If private resident owner occupied through the entire period of ownership = exempt all the gain
= nothing chargeable now
If private resident not owner occupied through the period of ownership
- PRR = exempt the proportions
- total gain x (actual occupied + deemed occupied/ total ownership )
- if part of the property was let whilst
Owner occupied = letting relief
- lower of - PRR
- Maximum of £40,000
- Part of chargeable gain (after PRR) that related to letting
- Deduct PRR then LR agains capital gain
- Other rules
Deemed occupation: unconditional
- last 9 months of ownership
Deemed occupation condition
- employed abroad = unlimited
- employed elsewhere in the UK = max 4 years
- self employed working abroad or in the uk = total maximum of 4 years
- property is private resident during that period
- actual owner occupation at some time before and after of that period
Rollover relief
1. What type of relief = Exempt / deferred / reduced rate
2. Replacement of what relief
3 Overview of relief
- If a individual / company sells a what and replaces it with what
- within a what
- and makes what
- can what the gain arising on the disposal
- qualifying assets
-What used in what
-Fixed what and what
-What type of intangible asset for -individual/company? - Qualifying time period
- must reinvest within how many years:
- how many months before and
- how many months after
The date of what - Claim time period
For individuals (companies):
- within how many months of the later of the end of the tax year in which the
- what is made and
- what assets acquired - Amount of relief
- what happens when you reinvest all sale proceeds
what happens when the sale proceeds not all reinvested:
Chargeable now = lower of
- what gain or
- sale proceed not what
Rest of gain = what - Method of obtaining relief
Reinvesting in Non depreciating asset
- deduct ROR from what cost of replacement asset
- gain deferred until when
Reinvestment in depreciating asset
Freeze deferred gain until the earliest of
- £
- x
- how many years from purchasing the depreciating asset
= max deferral how many years - Other rules
For individuals
If a chargeable gain remains after ROR
- is BADR available on remain gain
( relive on individual assets?)
For companies
- Deferred relief
- Replacement of business asset relief
- Overview of relief
If an individual / company sells a qualifying business asset and replaces it with a qualifying business asset
-within a qualifying time period, and
- makes a claim
- can defer the gain arising on the disposal - Qualifying assets
- land and buildings used in trade
- fixed plant and machinery
- goodwill for individuals only
5.qualifying time period
- must reinvest working 4 years:
- 12 months before and
-36 months after
The date of disposal
- Claim time period
For individuals (companies)
- within 4 years of the paste of the end of the tax year in which the
- disposal is made
- and replacement assets acquired - Amount of relief
when you reinvest all sale proceeds
- all gains deferred
- no chargeable gains now
Not all sale proceeds reinvested:
- chargeable now = Lower of:
- all gain
- sale proceed not reinvested
Rest of gain = deferred - Method of obtaining relief
Reinvesting non depreciating asset
- deduct ROR from base cost of replacement asset
- gain deffered until disposal
Reinvest in depreciating asset
Freeze deferred gain until the earlier of
- sales
- stop using it in trade
- 10 years from purchasing the depreciating asset
= max deferral 10 years - Other rules
For individuals
If a chargeable gain remains after ROR
- No BADR is available on remaining gain
(No relief on individual assets)
For companies
ROR = only relief available
Gift holdover relief
1. Overview of relief
-If an individual gifts a what asset
A to another individual, trust or company
- receive r is resident in where and
Makes a claim
- can do what to a gain until the donee disposes the asset
- Qualifying business asset
- assets used in what type of trade
- or in doners what type of trading company
- at least how many %
- shares in a unquoted trading company (does number of shares matter)
Agricultural property
- any what put into a what - Amount of relief
Outright gift
- defer what gain
- anything chargeable now?
- unless asset = shares and hold more than % interest
= restrict gift relief by rest of gain
= chargeable at time of gift
If sale for less than MV
- chargeable when
Amount chargeable=actual proceeds less what
- rest of the gain = what happens to that = what relief - Method of obtains relief
- deducting GR from what and when - Other rules
Emigration of donee
Within how many years is GR chargeable on the disposal
- Qualifying business asset
- UK
- defer - Qualifying business asset
- assets used in unincorporated trade
- or in doners private trading company
- at least 5% interest
- shares in an unquoted trading company (regardless number of shares)
- agricultural property
- any assets put in a trust - Amount of relief
Outright gift
- defer full gain
- nothing chargeable now
- unless asset = shares and holds more than 5% interest
=restrict gift relief by rest of gain
= chargeable at time of gift
If sale for less than MV
- chargeable when
Amount chargeable = actual proceeds less cost
- rest of gain = deferred = gift rollover
4.method of obtaining relief
- deducting GR from base cost on disposal of the asset
- Other rules
Emigration if donee within 6 years is GR chargeable on the disposal
Incorporation relief
- Overview of relief
- all assets except what asset
- of what type of business
Transferred to a company
- in return for what
Gains deferred until when - Conditions
- what must you transfer
As a what - Can you disapply
- What if you receive cash
- all assets except cash
- of an individuals sole trader business or partnership
Transferred to a co. - in return for mainly shares
Gains deferred until individual disposes shares
- Conditions
Must transfer all of the assets in the business except cash
As a going concern - Relief is automatic but can dissolute
- Cash is chargeable now
1. What type of relief
- Qualifying assets
- what part of an unincorporated business
- at least how many % in shares Ina personal trading company AND has to be what - What’s the time period owning the business or shares to qualify
- Whats investors relief
- Changes tax rate at10%
- Qualifying business assets
- Whole or substantial part of unincorporated business
- Shares in a personal trading company at lease 5% AND has to be an employee - Time period
Must have owned business / shares for 2 years - Whats investors relied
- shares subscribe
- unquoted co
- held more than 3 years
- not an employee
EIS relief
- Overview of relief
If an individual
- invests in what shares
Can defer the gain on any asset - Qualifying time period
- Amount of relief
- When can the gain be exempt rather than deferred
- An individual invests in EIS shares but can defer the gain on any asset
- 4 years
- Any amount upto max:
Lower of gains and amount invested in EIS shares - When EIS share held for at least 3 years
SEIS relief
1. Overview of relief
- invests in what shares
- can exempt some of the gain on what
- Time period
- Amount of relief
- Method of obtaining relief
- Other rules
Withdrawal of SEIS relief if the disposal within 3 years
Not at arms length = chargeable / not chargeable previous exempt gains
At arms length = proportion of the gain previously exempted = chargeable/ not charge
- Qualifying shares
- invests in SEIS shares
- can exempt some of the gain on any asset - Time period
- same year - Amount of relief
Max exemption = 50% of the lower of :
Gain and amount invested (max 100k) - Deduct from gain = exempt
- Not arms length = chargeable
At arms length = portion not chargeable