2A - 单元四 - 巩固 - 《 最美的姿势 》 Flashcards
zi shi
姿势 / posture
dao zhi
导致 / to cause
歪 / crooked
bo zi
脖子 / neck
min gan
敏感 / sensitive
mu guang
目光 / gaze
luo zai
落在 / to fall on…
nan shou
难受 / to suffer pain
she jiao mei ti
社交媒体 / social media
chen mo
沉默 / silent
wu zhuang
武装 / to arm
du lai du wang
独来独往 / a loner
she xiang tou
摄像头 / webcam
jia xiang di
假想敌 / imaginary foe
yan shi
掩饰 / to cover up
da ban
打扮 / to doll up
que xian
缺陷 / flaw
she ying
摄影 / photography
ji ren lao shi
极任老师 / form teacher
zhan xian
展现 / to exhibit
bu gao lan
布告栏 / notice board
沉 / to sink (?)
gu di
谷底 / rock bottom
da fang
大方 / easy mannered
ju shu
拘束 / constrained
huang luan
慌乱 / frentic
cao za
嘈杂 / noisy
烫 / scalding hot
ju sang
沮丧 / depress
侧 / the side
bai chu
摆出 / to exhibit; arrange
托 / to support
ruo you suo si
若有所思 / thoughtfully
ding ge
定格 / to freeze frame
fu he
附和 / to comply
cong hui
聪慧 / intelligent
mo hu
模糊 / blur
shi xian
视线 / vision
tu po
突破 / to break through
xin fang
心防 / guarding the heart