2A - 单元二 - 生活空间 - 《助养野生动午物》 Flashcards
ren lei
人类 / people
zi yuan
资源 / resources
jue se
角色 / charcter or role
zhu yang
助养 / sponsor
ye sheng
野生 / wild
juan kuan
捐款 / donation
zheng jiu
拯救 / rescue
she bei
设备 / equiptment
yi liao
医疗 / medical
jing fei
经费 / funds
yan jiu
研究 / research
diao cha
调查 / investigate
qi xian
期限 / period of time
you hui
优惠 / promotion
zhe kou
折扣 / discount
券 / coupon
min jie
敏捷 / agile
si zhi
四肢 / four limbs
chuan suo
穿梭 / shuttle
qin qie
亲切 / close & dear
da shi
大使 / ambassador
dan ren
担任 / to serve as
you shan
友善 / friendly
tan suo
探索 / discover
du yi wu er
独一无二 / one of a kind
ban wen
斑纹 / frekles
hai xiu
害羞 / shy
bian shi
辨识 / identify
chan zui
馋嘴 / greedy
ting kuai
挺快 / rather quick
diao pi
调皮 / mischevious
shuai jiao
摔跤 / wrestle, then trip and fall
xiong meng
凶猛 / firece