29/04/21 Flashcards
What is bias?
Peoples (often unconscious) values and preferences that affect their actions. In research, biases will affect the researches findings and how they conduct the research.
What is a hypothesis?
An idea that can be tested by research
What is a pilot study?
A small scale trial to test a particular research method before using it in a research project.
What is response rate?
The number of people who complete the survey divided by the number of people who made up the total sample.
What is reliability?
The extent to which an experiment, test or research shows the same results through repeated trials.
What is validity?
If the findings show a true picture of society.
What is informed consent?
Respondents understand and agree to participate in a research project.
What are closed questionnaires?
A questionnaire that only allows respondents to choose from a set of predetermined answers.
What are open questionnaires?
A questionnaire or unstructured interview which allows the respondent space to answer as they wish.
What is a questionnaire?
A research method that uses predetermined questions.
What is qualitative data?
Information presented in a variety of forms which is rich in descriptive detail.
What is quantitative data?
Information presented in numerical form.
What is a sample?
Groups selected for study from a target population.
What does it mean if data is representative?
A researchers data/sample is not biased but accurately reflects the wider population in society.
What is it called is social research combines a variety of methods?
Mixed methods