27 war and revolution KEY TERMS Flashcards
three emperors league
A.Hungary, Germany and Russia created in 1873
Triple Entente
Great Britain, France, Russia were checking Germany’s vague but real aspirations 1914
” the sick man of Europe “
ottoman empire
Pan Slavism
encouraged the serbs, bosnians, and slovenes, and croats to seek a single political entity in southern europe
First Balkan War 1912
Austria created Albania and landlocked Serbia from getting port access to the Adriatic Sea. It was Serbia, Greece, and Bulgaria versus Turks in the Balkans
Second Balkan War 1913
Serbia and Greece formed an alliance against Bulgaria and the war began in 1913 when Bulgaria ordered his troops to attack Serbian and Greece in Macedonia
Petrograd soviet
Workers and soldiers in a mass meeting of 2-3thousand and watched the provisional government and issued its own radical orders
Army Order No. 1
Issued to all Russian military forces, it stripped officers of their authority and placed power to common soldiers; led to a collapse in discipline
Vladimir Lenin 1870-1924
socialist leader stressed capitalism can only be destroyed by violent revolution
majority group
minority group
constituent assembly met for one day in January 18, 1918
Bolsheviks promised this to draw up a new constitution from free elections; fed the flames for civil war
war communism
application of the total war concept to a civil conflict; they seized grain from peasants, introduced rationing, nationalized all banks and industry, required everyone to work
Tsarist secret police which sowed fear and silenced opposition
League of Nations
woodrow wilson created it as an idealistic and democratic international cooperation to resolve territorial disputes (France, Britain, USA)
Treaty of Versailles
Brit and France mandates created for former colonies and territories of the central powers
Article 231
blamed Germany for the war, Germany was forced to pay huge reparations to France/Brit
Easter Rebellion
Irish republicans staged an insurrection in England in 1916
Balfour Declaration
November 1917 made by British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour, declared that Britain favored a “National Home for the Jewish People” in Palestine
means “Father of the Turks”
Mustafa Kemal
Established a republic, made himself president, created a one party system for Turkey, wanted to westernize and modernize Turkey; women gained rights
significance/location of league of nations
Goal was to end WW1 in peace and was created in Paris Peace conference of 1919
significance of easter rebellion
signified the start of the republican revolution in Ireland
Georges Clemenceau
French Prime minister apart of the League of Nations, wanted to create a buffer zone between france and germany