17 absolutism in central/ eastern europe KEY TERMS Flashcards
peace of augsburg
edict of nantes
established freedom for Huguenots to practice their religion in public though France was primarily Catholic
Table of Ranks
determines your social status and how much you are payed according to how many years you worked; created by Peter the Great to control nobility power
Jacques Bossuet
his philosophy of absolutism was to rule for God, not for the people. Divine Right of Kings was popular belief in 17th century
Peace of WEstphalia
ended the 30 years war, protestantism was embraced and tolerated, European countries stopped trying to spread Catholicism in Europe
Cardinal Richelieu
French monarch that starts to gain power back from nobility and laid the foundation for absolutism
Germany royal family who ruled Brandenburg and later controlled Prussia; under Frederick 1, the family united Kingdom of Prussia
intendant system
French royal officials supervised the bureaucracy. They played key role in establishing French absolutism
German nobility, popular in Prussia because they were conservative and supported monarch/military tradition
Pragmatic sanction act 1713
from Charles VI stating Hapsburg possessions to not be divided so his daughter could rule
Gustavus Adolphus
king of Sweden, laid the foundations of modern Swedish state and made it a European power; involved in 30 years war and got major victories for protestants
old believers
group of Russian religious dissenters that refused to adopt the mid 17th century Church reform
Charles I of England
King of Great Britain and Ireland who’s actions led to a civil war and tried for treason/beheaded in 1649, power struggles from him resulted in English Civil Ear
William and Mary of ORange
William of Orange fought mostly Louis and eventually became King of England and the Dutch republic simultaneously
“The Soldiers King”
Frederick William I who was most talented reformer produced by Hohenzollern family; under his rule Prussia had best army in Europe for its size and became a model military state
Battle of Mohács 1526
ottoman victory which enabled the Turks to add Hungary to their expanding empire
elector of Brandenburg
area around Berlin; the elector had the right to help choose the HR emperor, which bestowed prestige, but had no military strength
Mongol Yoke
period which the mongols ruled the eastern Slavs for more than 200 years
highest ranking nobles in Russia
Ivan’s army
Peter the Great
ruler of Russia, believed westernizing the country= successful (1672-1725)
SOS of Peter the Great
created strong navy, Table of Ranks, westernized Russia by changing boyar’s appearance, built St Petersburg
Charles VI
1711-1740 created pragmatic sanction, was king of France under House of Habsburg and spent most of his reign trying to get Prag Sanction accepted
Vasco de Gama
famous explorer who commanded the first European ship and made to southern tip of Africa to reach India with the help of an Indian guide