27: Approach To Neuro Exam Flashcards
Defective articulation, usually due to defect in motor control
Disorder in producing or understanding language, usually due to lesion in the dominant hemisphere (usually left)
Eye position drifting
Vertical diplopia
Double vision that increases when looking down
What is the most common isolated CN palsy?
CN 6
Three conditions that can cause CN 6 palsy?
SAH, late syphilis, trauma
Convergent strabismus
Inability to abduct the eye
Horizontal diplopia
Max separation of images when looking towards the paretic LR muscle
Why does jaw deviate towards the weak side in a CN 5 lesion?
Unopposed action of opposite lateral pterygoid muscle
90% of trigeminal neuralgia is caused by?
Aberrant vein or artery compressing the nerve
Increased sensitivity to sound due to stapedius not working
What can cause bilateral facial palsy?
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Supranuclear facial palsy
Spares upper face, usually associated with hemiplegia
Three ways to test CN 8
- Whisper test
- Finger rub test
- Weber-Rinne test
Two phases of nystagmus
- Slow drift away from object of focus
2. Saccade: quick reaction back