ワセアカ 連語261-310 Flashcards
(. ) you (. ) (. ) the result of the exam?
Are you satisfied with the result of the exam?
I (. ) very (. ) (. ) her speech.
I was very impressed with her speech.
She (. ) (. ) her future.
She worried about her future.
あなたは自分の部屋をきれいに掃除しなければならなりません。 You must (. ) (. ) your room.
You must clean up your room.
冷蔵庫に牛乳はもうありません。 There is (. ) (. ) milk in the refrigerator.
There is no more milk in the refrigerator.
(. ) (. ), let’s hurry.
Come on, let’s hurry.
Please (. ) (. ) to the cookies.
Please help yourself to the cookies.
たくさんの星が空に現れました。 Many stars (. ) (. ) in the sky.
Many stars came out in the sky.
この歌は彼に自分の故郷を思い出させます。 This song (. ) him (. ) his hometown.
This song reminds him of his hometown.
私の兄は職探しに忙しい。 My brother (. ) (. ) (. ) for a job.
My brother is busy looking for a job.
They (. ) (. ) (. ) in the woods.
They lost their way in the woods.
(. ) (. ) (. ), are you free this afternoon?
By the way, are you free this afternoon?
Something (. ) (. ) (. ) my bike.
Something is wrong with my bike.
ジョンはいつも約束を守ります。 John always (. ) (. ) (. ).
John always keeps his promise.
それは事実とは程遠い。 It is (. ) (. ) the case.
It is far from the case.