255.20 (public works/roads) - Chptr 2 Flashcards
When does the competitive award mandate under 255.20 not apply?
- 20 [public works/roads]
- ———- - Emerg.
- No bids received or awarded Ktor abandons.
- Public elect or gas personnel or utility commission.
- Repair or Maintain existing (always applies new const.).
- Public eductnl program.
- Time to competily award exceeds grant time.
- Self hire.
- Bd determines best interest to award per a pre-1994 ordinance/resolution.
- To County road projects w/ gas tax (FS 336).
What’s the pre-requisite to using the Self Hire exception?
- 20 [public works/roads]
- ———- - Pub mtg w/ 21 days notice
- Hear from Ktor who wd have gotten the job
- Consid econ dev, tax revs, wh/ ktor offers hlth ins.
- Bd determines in best interest to use Staff.
How much overhead paid on Self-Hire?
Get 20% admin
What are 3 reqs if performed by Self-Hire?
- 20 [public works/roads]
- ———-
1) Use licensed Ktor.
2) Inspect like private proj.
3) Make findings in pub reprt rev’d by auditor gen and avail to public.
What are 3 performance mandates on a Self-Hire?
- 20 [public works/roads]
- ———-
1) Use licensed Ktor.
2) Inspect like private proj.
3) Make findings in pub reprt rev’d by auditor gen and avail to public.
What are mechanics of LG using pre-1994?
A. Aft 14 days notice & PH,
B. Votes by 2/3 it is in best int to use its own pre-1994 procedure
C. 1 uniquely qualified Ktor or db firm already retained on affiliated project.
D. Wd jeopardize funding to comp bid.
E. Not arbitrary or capricious
When are preferences prohibited under 255.20?
50% State funding prohibits:
1) Local preference in construction
2) Wages, benes, source or amt of staffing pref in utility const.
When must use FL wood?
Bridges, buildings.
When don’t have to use FL wood?
If Federal money (ex. transportation project)
Plywood for concrete.
If too weak.
When are optional MBE preferences prohibited?
If Federal money.
If not narrowly tailored + serving compelling interest.
What amt can set aside for optional MBE preference?
May set up to 10% aside
Encourage 20% bond writing
Equal protection suit @ 30%
Threshold for when to competitively award?
$300k constr.
$75 elec.
What preempt the 255.20 optional MBE preference + mandatory Wood preference?
Fed Money + transportation
LGs are encouraged to competitively award what amount for MBEs?
LG can’t require certain wage except … when?
As reqd in State or Fed law.
How calculate whether an ‘addition/extension /upgrade’ is considered ‘new construction’ requiring competitive award?
Cannot be “substantial.”
If the estimated cost exceeds:
(1) $300k (construction) + $75k (elec) &
(2) Exceeds 20% of the estimated full total cost of the project.
What is included in the estimating the full cost of the project in order to determine whether improvement is ‘substantial.’
Labor, materials, insurance, employee benefits + 20% overhead.
Could LG break up a construction into phases in order to avoid the ‘substantial’ threshold?
Why might LG want every aspect of its project to not be ‘substantial’?
Because must competitively award if estimated cost exceeds:
(1) $300k (construction) + $75k (elec) &
(2) Exceeds 20% of the estimated full total cost of the project.
Are disadvantaged-businesses or local preferences preempted/prohibited by 255.20?
On what basis might a disappointed contractor protest an award based on LG’s contract?
If LG’s contract failed to specify use of FL produced lumber, timber, and other forest products & same is:
1. Available &
2. Price, fitness, and quality are equal.
If a disappointed contractor successfully protests on the basis of LG’s faulty contract, what is penalty to LG?
Pay Attys Fee.
Ktor gets:
— NO C + AF for winning PROMPT PAY.
— YES c + af for winning PROTEST
Is 255.20 narrowly or broadly construed?
Per AGOs, broadly. Includes not only the LGs themselves but also their agencies & instrumentalities.
Ex. non-profit created to construct jail; County HFA.
How do you know if you have to do CCNA?
LG ballparks project price & services price. If either exceed $325/$35.
If doing a pub works/road under 255.20, & you want to negotiate, & then you must comply w/ CCNA.
How does CCNA differ from RFP or RFQ?
You would issue an RFQ for CCNA, so they are the same. BUT in a regular RFP/RFQ, you would allow price to be a not predominant factor in the ratings. In CCNA, you place price at the very end. It is not part of the rankings.
State the 9 step ranking procedure on an RFP/RFQ.
1) Advertise
2) Rvw proposals/qualifs.
3) Individual mbrs of the committee rank solo.
4) Committee meets & discusses & everyone places their official rank.
5) Based on the #s, they short list [in CCNA to at least 3],
6) Throw out all the rankings
7) Start interviewing.
8) Re-rank.
9) Negotiate w/ winner.
What’s the focus of 255.20?
- 20 is the lynchpin of 287.055.
- 20 requires LG competitively award to an appropriately licensed Ktor on each project construction exceeding $300k & electrical $75k.
By sealed bids, or proposals submitted in response to RFP or RFQs & submitted for competitive negotiation.
Includes construction management services, design/build contracts, continuation contracts based on unit prices, and any other K per LG ordinance.
If done by negotiation, must comply w/ CCNA. You’d be doing an RFQ anyway (where price cd be a non-predominant factor), now it requires the formality of minimum of 3, etc.