2.5: The Racial State (1933-1945) Flashcards
2.5.1: The radicalisation of the state 2.5.2: Anti-Semitism 2.5.3: The development of anti-Semitic policies and actions 2.5.4: The treatment of Jews in the early years of war
What were the three aspects of Nazi Racial Ideology
Social Darwinism- Survival of the fittest so Hitler sought the racial hygiene and purification of Germany
The Volksgemeinschaft- To be in the peoples community you had to be racially pure those excluded where split into: ideological
threats, biological threats + social threats.
Lebensraum provided a background for living space but it was mainly for racial annihilation
How did the Nazis treat the mentally ill and disabled
Sterilisation: 60% had an IQ of 0-19, 400000 sterilized and 100 died
Euthanasia: 5000 children killed and the Aktion T4 programme killed over 100000 (Galen’s protest led to this been postponed but it was restarted again)
How did the Nazi’s treat Asocials and Homosexuals
Asocials: split into orderly those who would work and disorderly being the opposite sent to concentration camps and forced to work and wears a black triangle
Homosexuals: 1936: Reich Central Office, 50000 convicted and sent to camps and 60% of them died
How did the Nazi’s treat The Roma and Sinti
The Nuremburg Laws were applied to the 3000 gypsys in Germany there was a Reich central office set up in 1936 and Himmler issued a decree for the struggle against the gypsy plague
Nmae two of the 1935
15th September 1935
Reich Citizenship Law: deprived Jews of German citizenship.
Law for the protection of German Blood and Honour: made sexual relations + marriage illegal between Jews and Aryans.
Name four areas of the policies developments in Anti-Semitism
April 1933: Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service – this got rid of Jews from civil service. difficult to categorize people
Jewish lawyers were 16% of legal profession – 1933 60% continued despite regulations. Doctors: 10% were Jewish – April 1933 banned Jewish Doctors – BUT most continued.
Education: April 1933 law against overcrowding of German schools and Universities restricted Jewish children who could attend
What happened during Reich Kristallnacht on the 9th-10th November 1938
Pogrom against Jews started by 7th Nov assassination of
Ernst Von Rath) 10,000 shops attacked, 200 synagogues burnt, 91 Jews murdered and 20,000 sent to camps. Jews were made to pay 1 billion RM for damage to the economy The decree excluding Jews from German economic life furthered Aryanisation of Jewish businesses
What was the affect of the invasion of Poland
Too many deportations at once – e.g. Eichmann arranged deportation of 70,000-80,000 Jews from Katowice whilst
Hitler demanded deportation of 300,000 Jews from Germany and complete removal from Vienna. Madagascar plan was invented to deport 4 million Jews financed by selling of property
Name three developments in Anti Semitic policies towards Jews
October 1940 – Hitler won series of Blitzkrieg wins, defeating France + leaving Britain isolated.
1940 Jews were excluded from wartime rationing + in July – time limits on Jews entering shops – e.g. 4-5pm in Berlin.
June 1941 Operation Barbarossa launched: German armies invaded USSR for Lebensraum. This brought 3 million soviet Jews under Nazi rule.
Give me some information about the Ghettos
First ghetto set up Feb 1940 in Lodz (Poland) – 320,000 Jews were living there.
The Warsaw ghetto: Jews had to build + pay for construction
costs. 400,000 Jews held there. Food rations were at Jews consuming 300 calories a day compared to 2310 by Germans. 100,000 died in this ghetto.
What was the main aim if the Einsatzgruppen
They were ‘special groups’ of the security police that operated behind German lines in occupied territory. Main task was to shoot ‘hostile elements’ aka Jews + communists. Between 1939-43 2 million shot – 1½ million were Jewish.