25 set Flashcards
die Teeküche - die Teeküchen
the kitchen area - the kitchen areas
die Schürze
the apron

die Besprechung - die Besprechungen
(Nouns ending in -ung take the ending -en in the plural)
the conference - the conferences
der Gummistiefel
the rubber boot

Hast du schon immer Falten gehabt?
Have you always had wrinkles?

das Haus - die Häuser
the house - the houses
der Brief - die Briefe
the letter - the letters
Habt ihr auf dem Feld gearbeitet?
Have you worked in the field?
der Berater - die Berater
the consultant - the consultants
der Sohn - die Söhne
the son - the sons
die Toilette - die Toiletten
the restroom - the restrooms
Gläser findest du in einer der Teeküchen.
((das Glas, die Teeküche)
You’ll find glasses in one of the kitchen areas.
die Blume - die Blumen
(Nouns ending in -e usually form the plural with -n.)
the flower - the flowers
das Foto - die Fotos
the photo - the photos
der Fehler - die Fehler
(as you already know, you generally have to memorize the plural forms of nouns. But there are some rules that can help you. For example, masculine nouns ending in -er take no ending in the plural)
the mistake - the mistakes
das Glas - die Gläser
the glass - the glasses
der Bauernhof
the farm
der Abend - die Abende
(Masculine nouns ending in a consonant often add an -e in the plural. Sometimes, an Umlaut is added.)
the evening - the evenings
Ich habe Gummistiefel getragen.
I wore rubber boots.
Im Büro waren viele Geschäftspartner bei einer Besprechung.
In the office, there were lots of business partners at a meeting.
das Kind - die Kinder
(Many neuter words, especially those with one syllable, form their plural with -er. Sometimes, an Umlaut is added)
the child - the children
der Geschäftspartner - die Geschäftspartner
the business partner - the business partners
Es ist nicht schlimm, Fehler zu machen, wenn man neu ist.
It’s not bad making mistakes when you’re new.
Ich habe ein Buch gelesen.
(many verbs that have irregular forms in the 2nd (du) and 3rd person (er/sie/es) singular in the present tense form their past participle with ge + stem + en)
I have read a book.