2.5 Recruitment Flashcards
Recruitment Definition
process of finding and hiring best qualified candidate within or outside business for job opening in a timely and cost effective manner
What is involved in recruitment
Vacancy arises
Carry out job analysis
Draw up job description and person specification
Decide whether to recruit internally or externally
Advertisements drawn up and placed in appropriate media
Application forms issued and or cvs and letters of application requested
Internal methods of Recruitment
Company Newsletters
Benefits of internal recruitment
Employee’s abilities are known already
Shorter induction
Less expensive
Reduces risk of employing wrong person
Drawbacks of internal recruitment
Limited range of applicants
no new ideas or skills brought in business
Staff resentment due to jealousy/rivalry
vacated position will need to be filled
External methods of recruitment
Job Centres
Private Recruitment Agencies
Benefits of External Recruitment
Large choice of applicants
New people = new ideas
Overcomes jealousies
Insight into other firms
May save money on training
Drawbacks of external recruitment
Settling in time required – potentially a longer induction period
Demotivating for existing staff
More expensive than internal recruitment
Process takes longer