24th Sealing Test Flashcards
Topic: Key Questions and Answers Regarding the Entire Book of Revelation
- The fulfillment of Rev begins with the appearance of ① whom, with reference verse. ② When did the work of Rev fulfillment begin, and ③ write down the reality of where the fulfillment begins.
① The seven messengers, Rev 1:20
② 1966
③ The Tabernacle Temple at the bottom of Mt Cheong-gye in Gwacheon
- ① What are the contents in the letters sent in Rev 2-3, and how many are there? ② Write down in order the 3 entities that appear, and ③ write down what each of them did.
① 3 things: what you have seen, what is now, and what will soon take place
② Seven messengers, Nicolaitans, John
③ Seven messengers: work of lampstand to prepare the way / Nicolaitans: food sacrificed to idols, teaching, sexual immorality / John: wrote the letters of repentance and words of promise
- Write down what the three mysteries in Rev are with reference verses.
① The seven stars and seven golden lampstand, Rev 1:20
② The prostitute, Babylon, and the beast with seven heads and ten horns, Rev 17:5,7
③ The last seventh trumpet, Rev 10:7
- In Rev 4:8, it is recorded that God’s throne will come down to this earth. ① Where, in which Rev chapter, does it come down to? And ② what is the reality of this place?
① Mt Zion in Rev 14 where the 12 tribes 144,000 are gathered
② Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony
- The ‘book sealed with seven seals’ in the right hand of God in Rev 5 is the book of Revelation. ① What is the reason that no one in heaven or earth could know about the contents of this sealed book, and ② what is the content of the sealed book?
① Because the realities have not appeared yet
② God’s secret that is to be fulfilled
- In Rev 6, ① who judges and works with ② whom, ③ to judge whom? And ④ those that are kicked out in Rev 6 are killed in which two Rev chapters?
① Jesus
② The Four Living Creatures
③ The chosen people that betrayed (the seven messengers and the tabernacle congregation members)
④ Rev 8, Rev 9
- The sealed people in Rev 7 come after ① which event, and ② how and where did they come from, and ③ write down their reality.
① After the judgment of the sun, moon, and stars of the former heaven that betrayed in Rev 6
② Harvested from the harvest field
③ Shincheonji 12 Tribes 144,000
- ① What is the reason for the trumpet sounds in Rev 8? Also, ② who are the ones that are killed in Rev 8~9, and ③ how are the first six trumpet sounds different from the seventh trumpet sound?
① The sealed book is now fully open because the seals have all been open
② Those who were kicked out in Rev 6
③ First six trumpets: death of the betrayers / Seventh trumpet: trumpet of salvation
- Write down to which affiliation the “rider and horse” belong to in Rev 9 and 19 respectively. What is the ② “head” and ③ “tail” respectively of the horse that appears in Rev 9, and ④ what is the meaning of the “fire, smoke, and sulfur” that comes out of the horse’s mouth?
① Spirit and flesh belonging to the devil, and the spirit and flesh belonging to God
② the dragon’s seven pastors
③ false prophet
④ False doctrines and teachings
- ① In regard to the ‘revelation of the Old Testament fulfillment,” at the First Coming, write down who received and ate it and where it was testified to, along with reference verses. ② In regard to ‘Revelation of New Testament fulfillment” at the Second Coming, write down who received and ate it and where it was testified to. Also, in Rev 1:2, it is recorded that a person was chosen and testified the word of God. ➂ In which Rev chapter did he receive this word that he testified?
① Jesus, rebellious Israel, Eze 3, Mt 15:24
② New John, the churches under sin, Rev 10, Rev 22:8,16
➂ Rev 10
- ① What happens when the seventh trumpet is blown, and ② what is the secret of the last trumpet with two reference verses.
➀ The kingdom of the world becomes the Kingdom of God
➁ Resurrection and eternal life, that is, transformation into a new creation Rev 10:7, 1 Cor 15:51-54
- In Rev 12:9-11, what is the ① “blood of the lamb” and the ② “word of testimony” which were the weapons used by the male child and his brothers to fight and overcome the group of the dragon? ③ The kingdom of God and salvation will come after what event? Also, ④ the promises in Rev 2-3 will be fulfilled in which chapter?
① Jesus’ word of life
② The testimony about the fulfilled realities of Revelation
③ After fighting and overcoming the group of the dragon
④ Rev 12
- ① What are two Rev chapters that records about the betrayal of the chosen people, and ② write four Rev chapters that records the betrayers receiving the plagues.
① Rev 2-3, Rev 13
② Rev 6, Rev 8, Rev 9, Rev 16
- ① What is the “new song” in Rev 14:3, and ② who, out of the world can sing it, and ③ what is the reality of the place where the new song was learned?
① The word of the fulfilled realities of Revelation
② The 12 tribes sealed 144,000
③ Zion Christian Mission Center before the throne
- In Rev 15:5, at the “Temple of the Tabernacle of Testimony,” ① who testifies and ② what is it that they testify and ③ what are two reasons that only they can testify?
① Those who overcame
② The realities of the entire book of Revelation
③ Because they saw the fulfilled realities at the site of events, and because they fought and overcame the destroyers
- ① The entities of the seven golden bowls of wrath in Rev 16 appear in which 2 Revelation chapters? ② Why were these bowls chosen, ③ what is being poured out from the bowls, ④ the bowls are being poured out onto where in which Rev chapter, and ⑤ what is the reason the bowls are being poured out there?
① Rev 12, Rev 15
② Because they overcame
③ The wrath of God
④ The tabernacle in Rev 13
⑤ Because the betrayers and destroyers are there
- In Rev 17, ① write down two things that the prostitute, who is sitting on the beast with seven horns and ten horns, did along with reference chapters, and ② what is this kind of action?
① Rev 13 make the congregation members of the Tabernacle receive the mark of the beast and war in Rev 12
② Going against God
- ① What is the reason that God has not yet judged Babylon, along with reference verse. ② Who judges and ③ what will He judge with?
① Rev 18:4 Because all of God’s people have not come out yet
② God
③ Fire
- The wedding banquet of the spirits and flesh occurs after ① what chapter, and ② what event, and ③ what is the reality of the “heaven” where the wedding banquet is taking place?
① Rev 18
② After the judgment of Babylon, the land of demons
③ New Heaven, that is, Shincheonji the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony
- In Rev 20, after the dragon is captured, ① who are the ones to sit on the thrones and have the authority to judge? ② Who will participate in the first resurrection and reign like kings with Christ? ③ Who are the ones that will be judged after a thousand years?
① The spirits and flesh of Jesus’ 12 disciples
② The martyred spirits and those who are living that did not receive the mark of the beast but received the seal of God
③ Gog and Magog, the spirits of those whose flesh have died
21.Out of the 66 books of the Bible, ① what is the greatest and most important prophecy, and among them ② which chapter has the most important content, and ③ why?
① Revelation
② Rev 21
③ Because it contains the promise of God’s purpose to create the new heaven and new earth
- In the Bible, there is the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. ① Write down the respective Rev chapters where they appear. Also, ② what is the fruit of the tree of life today, and ③ what is the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil today?
➀ Tree of Life: Rev 22, Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Rev 17-18
➁ The revealed word given by the one who overcomes
➂ The false doctrines of the false pastors (commentaries)