10th Sealing Test Flashcards
- ① What is the title of Rev 17 and ② what is the mystery that New John finds out through the angel in Rev 17?
① The Devil’s Food, the Wine of Adultery
② The mystery of the prostitute Babylon, and seven head and ten horn beast, and the mystery of the wine of adultery
- In Revelation, what is ① the food given by Jesus’ chosen pastor and what is ② the food given by Satan’s chosen pastor with reference verses.
① Rev 2:17 the hidden manna, Rev 10 revealed word
② Rev 17:2, Rev 18:3 the wine of adultery
- In Rev 17:4, what is the ① “purple and scarlet” that the woman was dressed in and ② what are the “gold, precious stones and pearls” and ③ “the golden cup” in her hand?
① The doctrines and ideology of the red dragon
② Satan’s false teaching and doctrines
③ Commentary book that contains all of Satan’s doctrines
- In Rev 17:8, ① who is “the beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction”? And ② what kind of entity was he in Rev 13, and ③ who is the reality at the fulfillment time of Revelation?
① The beast with ten horns in Rev 17:11
② The beast that came up from the earth
③ The false pastor “Mr Snake” (Nicolas)
- In Revelation, write down ① the two entities that betrayed the prostitute, and ② those who betrayed God respectively with reference verses.
① The ten horns and the beast that came from the earth (the eighth king), Rev 17
② The pastors and congregation members of the tabernacle temple, Rev 13
- Those who are called, chosen, and faithful followers in Rev 17:14 came out because of ① what kind of resurrection and include reference verses from the 4 gospels that is related to this and ② write where those people (in verse 14) are with reference chapter.
① Resurrection of life, John 5:24-29
② Mt Zion in Rev 14, The Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in Rev 15
- In Revelation, write ① the 3 chapters where God and Jesus judge, ② the 2 chapters where the one who overcomes judges, ③ the 3 chapters where the gentile beast judges, and ④ the 1 chapter where the beasts judge themselves.
① Rev 6, Rev 18, Rev 19
② Rev 12, Rev 16
③ Rev 8, Rev 9, Rev 13
④ Rev 17
- In Revelation, write where and which chapters indicate ① who belongs to God and ② who belongs to Satan and ③ write the reason New John is able to know the reality of Babylon, the land of demons.
① The 12 tribes in Rev 7 and Rev 14
② Babylon in Rev 17 and Rev 18
③ Because he saw the seven heads and ten horns at the site in Rev 13
- At the fulfillment time of Revelation, ① the first heaven first earth disappears like which chapters? and ② the re-created new nation is created according to which chapters? Furthermore, write the 3 chapters that prove that a majority of the Protestant believers today have been deceived by the false pastors and received the mark of the beast.
① Mt 24, Rev 6, Rev 13
② Rev 7, Rev 14
③ Mt 24, Rev 6, Rev 13
- The world at the fulfillment time of Revelation is ① stuck where, in which chapter and ② in order to be saved, they need to believe as it appears according to which chapters, and ③ where do they need to come out to?
① Rev 17, Rev 18 the land of demons, Babylon
② Rev 7, Rev 14, Rev 15
③ Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony 12 Tribes