2.4.1 CFI part 1 Flashcards
Define circular flow of income
An economic model that shows flows of goods and services and factors of production between firms and households. The circular flow shows how national income or Gross Domestic Product is calculated.
Define income
Income represents a flow of earnings from using factors of production to generate an output of goods and services
Define wealth
State examples of factor rewards
wages and salaries are a factor reward to labour and interest is the flow of income for the ownership of capital. Rent is the reward to land and profit is the reward to enterprise
Define wealth
The value of a stock of assets such as housing, personal pensions, savings and many different forms of marketable (sellable) assets such as antiques.
What is the difference between income and wealth
income is a flow of money whereas wealth is stock conept - these resources aren’t currently being used in the CFI but could be in the future
Whats the link between wealth and income
its likely that a high income individual will also have high wealth because they will be able to purchase more expensive assets
Define injections
Injections are variables in an economy that add to the circular flow of income and include investment (I), government spending (G) and exports (X).
Define withdrawals/leakages
Withdrawals are variables in an economy that remove money flows from the circular flow of income and include saving (S), government taxation (T) and imports (M).
Where do injections and withdrawals come from
- injections go directly to firms
- withdrawals can be made by households or firms
Define real national output
Nominal national output adjusted for price changes, expressed at constant prices.
Define equilibrium national output
a situation where there is no tendency for change. At this point aggregate demand is exactly equal to aggregate supply.
When is the economy in equilibrium
when injections and withdrawals are equal
What happens when withdrawals exceed injections
output is greater than expenditure so firms reduce output and national output, income and expenditure will decrease
- essentially, a fall in economic growth