24. Nutritional interventions Flashcards
What does sports nutrition (& training) aim to do?
- optimise body substrate stores before exercise/competition
- enhance substrate availability during exercise and spare muscle glycogen stores & optimise performance
- increate rate of glycogen synthesis in recovery phase
- increase muscle protein synthesis & muscle repair
- reduce muscle damage
Effect of resistance exercise on protein metabolism
Need food intake to be in a positive protein balance
CHO ingestion and protein metabolism
CHO intake does not affect protein synthesis and does not result in a positive protein balance
CHO effects via insulin
PI-3 kinase/mTOR pathway
- Insulin binds to receptor which P’lates IRS-1
- increase in Akt P’lation
- GLUT4 translocates to membrane
- increased glucose uptake
**but not sure how this affects protein synthesis
Protein intake and MPS
Protein intake stimulates protein synthesis
AA intake and MPS
Intake of essential AA stimulates protein synthesis.
*in study, ingestion of drink CHO + EAA has effect on mTOR pathway, phosphorylates 4OBP1, therefore protein synthesis is started/increased
How do essential AAs stimulate protein synthesis?
Via increased signalling through mTORC1
How much protein do you need?
Dose-response curve EAA-FSR; young vs elderly
~25g protein/meal enough to maximally stimulate MPS
Within 10g of essential amino acids, there is increased in both young & elderly participants
Begins to plateau after 10g EAA
Difference b/w young & elderly can be attributed to:
- anabolic resistance in elderly
- smaller increase sufficient for elderly participants
Does continuous AA feeding further increase MPS?
AA infusion rapidly increases MPS, h/e stimulatory effect of increased AA availability on protein synthesis is relatively short.
What is in milk?
4% fat
5% CHO (lactose)
3% protein, ~30g/L
80% of this protein is casein (slow releasing protein)
20% whey (smaller peptide chains)
Whey vs. casein
Whey is more rapidly digested than casein and may be more effective to increase MPS.
Leucine is more abundant in whey compared to casein and casein hydrosylate.
Increase in Leu matches up nicely with increase in MPS in whey vs casein.
Is a rapidly digested protein more efficient in stimulating protein synthesis compared to casein?
AA derived from dietary protein hydrosylate appear quicker in circulation, resulting in higher protein synthesis.
33% increase
What is so special about leucine?
- stimulates MPS
- inhibits proteolysis
- administration inhibits protein breakdown
- stimulates protein synthesis
- only AA that has significant effect on mTOR signalling
- Leucine content in meal affects anabolic response
Leucine and mTOR signalling
Leucine stimulates mTORC1 and is very important for maintaining the building of polypeptides.
Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LARS) recognises how much Leu is present in system and attaches it to tRNA.
LARS then transports leucyl-tRNA combination to ribosome & attaches it to polypeptide.
What does the RDI tell us is the daily protein intake for sedentary individuals?
Minimally require 0.75-0.80g/kg for 98% of the population.
- not an optimal intake
- strenuous exercise may increase protein needs