2.3: What is Design Thinking and Why Is It So Popular? Flashcards
What’s special about Design Thinking is that designers’ work processes can help us systematically __________, ____________, and ___________ these human-centered techniques to solve problems in a creative and innovative way.
- extract
- teach
- learn
- apply
What is Design Thinking?
Design Thinking is an iterative process in which we seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems in an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding.
Design Thinking provides a __________________ approach to solving problems.
Design Thinking revolves around a deep interest in developing an understanding of the __________________.
people for whom we’re designing the products or services.
Design thinking helps us observe and _______________ with the target user.
develop empathy
Design Thinking helps us in the process of questioning: questioning the ______, questioning the _______, and questioning the __________.
- problem
- assumptions
- implications
Design Thinking is extremely useful in tackling problems that are ________________or ________________.
ill-defined or unknown
Design Thinking also involves ongoing _____________: sketching, prototyping, testing, and trying out concepts and ideas.
There are many variants of the Design Thinking process in use today, and they have from _______to ______ phases, stages, or modes.
- three
- seven
All variants of Design Thinking embody the same principles, which were first described by Nobel Prize laureate _____________ in The Sciences of the Artificial in ___________.
- Herbert Simon
- 1969
The five phases of Design Thinking, according to d.school, are as follows:
1) Empathise – with your users
2) Define – your users’ needs, their problem, and your insights
3) Ideate – by challenging assumptions and creating ideas for innovative solutions
4) Prototype – to start creating solutions
5) Test – solutions
It is important to note that the five phases, stages, or modes are not always ______.
- sequential. You should not understand the phases as a hierarchal or step-by-step process. Instead, you should look at it as an overview of the modes or phases that contribute to an innovative project.
Patterns of thinking are often referred to as ________, which are organized sets of information and relationships between ______, ________ and ________ that are stimulated and initiated in the human mind when we encounter some environmental stimuli.
- schemas
- things
- actions
- thoughts
Innovative problem solving is also known as ______________________
“thinking outside of the box”.
The struggles we face where oftentimes the most _____________ are the ones hardest to come by because of the ___________ we work within.
- obvious solutions
- self-imposed constraints
It’s often difficult for us humans to challenge our ___________ and ____________, because we rely on ____________ of thinking in order to not have to learn everything from scratch every time.
- assumptions
- everyday knowledge
- building patterns
Stories are framed around ________ and _________.
- real people
- their lives
At the heart of Design Thinking is the intention to _________ by analyzing and understanding _____________ and investigating the conditions in which they operate.
- improve products
- how users interact with products
At the heart of Design Thinking lies also the interest and ability to ____________________ and ______________________.
- ask significant questions
- challenging assumptions
One element of outside the box thinking is to ________________
- falsify previous assumptions – i.e., to make it possible to prove whether they are valid or not.
One element of outside the box thinking is to __________________________ – i.e., to make it possible to prove whether they are valid or not.
- falsify previous assumptions.
Once we have questioned and investigated the conditions of a problem, the ___________________ will help us produce ideas that reflect the genuine constraints and facets of that particular problem.
- solution-generation process
Design Thinking offers us a means of digging that bit deeper; it helps us to ____________ and to _____ and ______ our products and services so as to uncover new ways of improving the product, service or design.
- do the right kind of research
- prototype
- test
Grand Old Man of User Experience, __________________, who also coined the very term User Experience.
- Don Norman
Take the original problem as a _________, not as a final statement, then think broadly about what the _________ underlying this __________ might really be.
- suggestion
- real issues
- problem statement
First spend time determining what the basic, fundamental ______ is that needs to be addressed.
- (root) issue
The design process often involves a number of different _________________ in __________________
- groups of people
- different departments
The design process often involves a number of different groups of people in different departments; for this _______, ________, _________, and __________ ideas and problem solutions can be difficult.
- reason
- developing
- categorizing
- organizing
One way of keeping a design project on track and organizing the core ideas is using a _________________________.
- Design Thinking approach
Design Thinking is firmly based on generating a holistic and empathic understanding of the problems that people face, and that it involves ambiguous or inherently subjective concepts such as _________, _______, _________, and __________.
- emotions
- needs
- motivations
- drivers of behaviors
Design Thinking is firmly based on generating a ____________and ______________ of the problems that people face, and that it involves ambiguous or inherently subjective concepts such as emotions, needs, motivations, and drivers of behaviors.
- holistic
- empathic understanding
Tim Brown sums up that Design Thinking is a third way: Design Thinking is essentially a problem-solving approach, crystalized in the field of design, which combines a _______________ with ________ and ________ research with the goal of creating innovative solutions.
- holistic user-centered perspective
- rational
- analytical
Design thinking relies on our ability to be ________, to recognize _________, to construct ideas that have emotional meaning as well as _________, to express ourselves in media other than words or symbols.
- intuitive
- patterns
- functionality
Design Thinking investigations include ____________ elements of the problem to reveal previously unknown parameters and uncover _______________.
- ambiguous
- alternative strategies
After arriving at a number of potential problem solutions, the selection process is underpinned by ___________.
- rationality
Designers are encouraged to _______ and _______ the problem solutions so that they can arrive at the best available option for each problem or obstacle identified during each phase of the design process.
- analyze
- falsify
With a solid foundation in science and rationality, Design Thinking seeks to generate a _______________ and ________________ understanding of the problems that people face.
- holistic
- empathetic
Design thinking tries to empathize with human beings. That involves _______________ or inherently _______________ concepts such as emotions, needs, motivations, and drivers of behaviors.
- ambiguous
- subjective
The nature of generating ideas and solutions in Design Thinking means this approach is typically more sensitive to and interested in the context in which _____________ and ____________ and ____________ they might face when interacting with a product.
- users operate
- the problems
- obstacles
Design Thinking is an _______________ and ________________ Process
- Iterative
- Non-linear
Design Thinking is essentially a problem-solving approach specific to design, which involves ________________ known aspects of a problem and ____________ the more ambiguous or peripheral factors that contribute to the conditions of a problem.
- assessing
- identifying
Design Thinking is an iterative process in which knowledge is constantly being _________________ and _____________ so it can help us redefine a problem in an attempt to identify ________________– and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding.
- questioned
- acquired
- alternative strategies
At the heart of Design Thinking is the intention to improve products by analyzing _____________________ and ________________the conditions in which they operate.
- how users interact with them
- investigating
Design Thinking is…? (3 points)
A) A single-stage design process focused on quick turnaround
B)A multi-stage process focused on pleasing stakeholders
C) An iterative process focused on developing better solutions to design problems
What is the correct sequence of activities in the design thinking process? (3 points)
A) One iteration of Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test
B) One iteration of Empathise, Ideate, Define, Prototype, Test
C) Multiple iterations of Empathise, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test