2.3 - Korea Flashcards
Who controlled the North and who supported?
Kim Il Sung and Soviets and China
Who controlled the South and who supported?
Rhee and USA
When did the US refer the issue to the UN?
Nov 1947
What happened in the South for the 1948 elections?
Rhee won the majority and created Republic of Korea (ROK)
What happened in the North for the 1948 elections?
Didn’t allow elections however Sung controlled
When did USA withdraw troops and how many?
June 1949 with 45k
When did USSR withdraw troops?
December 1948
When was the Defensive Perimeter Strategy/Speech?
12 Jan 1950
What did the Defensive Perimeter Strategy contain?
- Increased military security in Pacific
- If outside strategy therefore susceptible to Soviet attack
- Did not include Korea
When was NSC 68?
April 14th 1950
What was NSC 68?
- Stressed urgency to build USA’s political, economic and military power
- Not public
What initiated NSC 68?
- China falling to communism
- USSR testing of atomic bomb
Arguments for USA causing Korean War
- Lack of intervention with the PRC in China so North felt they could invade
- Defensive Perimiter Stratgey (Shifted US thinking to send 1600 artillery, 178 military aircraft and 258 tanks.)
When did North invade South?
25th June 1950
When was the South pushed back to Pusan?
14th September 1950