2.3 Key terms Flashcards
Defensive design
the practice of planning for contingencies in the design state of a project or undertaking
Anticipating misuse
the ability of a programmer to consider how the end user might accidentally or on purpose break the program, then writing additional code to handle these situations
verifying a user identity before they can use a program with username and password
Input validation
ensuring data input by the user meets specific criteria before processing (eg range check)
a selection of techniques and methods that make code easy to debug, update and maintain
Naming conventions
an agreed way of naming variables so that they are easy to interpret and understand
shows how the program flows and where structures begin and end
used by the programmer to explain sections of the code
running the program under various conditions to make sure it is going to work
Iterative testing
when each module of a program is tested as it is developed
Final/terminal testing
testing all modules of a program work together as expected so that it meets the expectations of the user with real data
Syntax error
when the rules of the programming language have been broken and the program will not run
Logical error
the program runs but does not give the expected output
Test data
values used to test a program which includes normal, boundary, and erroneous
Test data: Normal
data that the program will expect
Test data: Boundary
data supplied that is designed to test the boundaries of a problem
Test data: Invalid
data of the correct type but outside accepted validation limits
Test data: Erroneous
data of the incorrect type which should be rejected by a computer system