1.6 Ethical, Legal and Cultural, and environmental Impacts of digital technology Flashcards
what are the main impacts of digital technology on wider society
- ethical
- legal
- cultural
- environmental
- privacy
what are some generic negative impacts of computer technology
- online shopping has meant loss of local and national physical stores and empty high streets
- robots and AI meant loss of jobs such as in manufacturing, journalism and clerical work
what is a stakeholder
anyone who is affected by the actions, objectives, or policies of an organisation such as the government, company or a school
what are some generic positive impacts of computer technology
- healthcare - monitoring patients, administering drugs, diagnosing illnesses
-social networking - internet dating, communication
ethical problems of technology
- self-driving cars - how does a computer decide whether to hit a fox or a child?
- navigation systems - is it ethical to program a route to a popular destination that takes a multitude of drivers through a previously safe, quiet neighbourhood where kids might be playing?
- disinformation and fake news
- mental impacts of social networking
legal problems of technology
- a simple 3Dprint file can be downloaded and a gun can be fabricated within hours
- hacking, sharing and misuse of personal information
- copyright rules
cultural problems with technology
- The Impact Of Tech On Our Daily Lives (it has changed how we live and we depend on it)
- The Digital Divide (access is not the same across the world)
- Globalisation (as people around the world become more exposed to technology, this impacts on the values and expectations on people)
- Censorship and the Internet
- Cultural influences of developers on software
what do we mean by the ‘digital divide’
-Cyber-bullying (confidence behind screen)
-Services rely on internet (those who can afford broadband and those who can’t)
positive impacts of technology on culture
- In the developing world, easier, faster communication has lead to the rise of democracy and the alleviation of poverty.
- Globalisation also increases cultural awareness and promotes diversity
negative impacts of technology on culture
- Developing countries risk losing their cultural identities and assimilating themselves into a Westernised world
- Challenges of inequality from the uneven distribution of technology in a country.
- In order to participate in a high-tech marketplace, developing nations require individuals with technical expertise
negative impacts of technology on the environment
- appetite for technology puts a huge demand on natural, finite resources
- 24/7 nature of the internet requires data centres to be permanently switched on
- computing waste is often shipped to countries with lower standards for disposal
- carbon footprint
- technology means more and cheaper products resulting in more waste
positive impacts of technology on the environment
- new, renewable energy technology
- computers mean working from home so less commuting
- computer managed engines work more efficiently
privacy issues of technology
- number plate and face recognition
- electronic tagging
- cell phone location and GPS technology
- recording internet browsing history
-retention of personal data - the increasing range of voice activated ‘listening’ devices in our homes
What are the four legislation relevant to computer science
- The Data Protection Act 2018
- Computer Misuse Act 1990
- Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1998
- Software licences
What is the Data Protection Act and when was it created
contains a set of key principles that must be followed by all organisations holding personal data. Designed to protect an individual’s personal data.
what does the Data Protection Act do (what are its rules)
- Fair, Lawful and Transparent processing (of data)
- Purpose Limitation – data must only be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate reasons
- Data Minimisation – only hold as much data on a person as is necessary
- Accuracy – data must be accurate and up to date
- Data Retention Periods – data must be kept for no longer than necessary. in addition, if a person asks for their data to be erased it must be securely destroyed.
- Data Security – data must be processed in a manner that ensures security
- Accountability – data controllers must be able to prove that their data protection measures are sufficient
what is the Computer Misuse Act and when was it created
An example of legislation that had to be created in order to keep up with technology. primarily created to prevent unauthorised access to data.
- 1990
what are the rules of the Computer Misuse Act
this made it illegal to:
- make any unauthorised access to data with:
===…the intent to commit further offences/crimes
===…the intent to modify data (eg. viruses)
- making, supplying or obtaining anything which can be used in computer misuse offences
what is the Copyright and Patents Act and when was it created
An example of legislation which has had to evolve in order to keep up with technology. designed to protect creators from having their work illegally copied.
- 1998
what are the rules of the Copyright designs and patents act
This made it illegal to copy, modify, or distribute commercially available software without buying the appropriate licence
what are features of open source software
- users can modify and distribute the software
- can be installed on any number of computers
- support provided by the community
- users have access to the sort code
- may not be fully tested
what are the features of proprietary source software
- users cannot modify the software
- usually paid for and licensed per user or per computer
- supported by developers
- users do not have access to the source code
- tested by developers prior to release
what is a software licence
a license agreement giving permission to an individual or organisation to use a piece of software.
what are cookies
files, often including unique identifiers that are sent by web servers to web browser and which may then be sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page