225. With the Qur’ān Lesson 1: Surah al-Faatihah Flashcards
الجمع: مَعالِمُ
landmark, feature, or distinctive sign
حَقَّقَ / يُحَقِّقُ / حَقِّقْ
م: تَحْقِيق
فهو مُحَقّق
To bring something into reality or to accomplish a goal
حَقَّقَ أَحْلَامَهُ
(he fulfilled his dreams)
To investigate or determine the truth / accuracy of something
To Authenticate or Edit (Texts)
To Establish (Justice, Truth, etc.)
تَوَجَّهَ / يَتَوَجَّهُ / تَوَجَّهْ
م: تَوَجُّهٌ
فهو مُتَوَجِّهٌ
to go towards; to turn towards; to face
what is the difference between كَمُلَ and أَكْمَلَ? and give the conjugations, masdar, etc for each.
كَمُلَ - To be complete
أَكْمَلَ - To complete
عَرَّفَ / يُعَرِّف / عرّف
م: تعْريف
to make known, to define, to introduce
وَصَلَ / يَصِلُ / صِلْ
م: وُصولٌ ، صِلَةً
فهو واصل
to arrive, to reach
to connect
أوْصَلَ / يُوْصِلُ / أوْصِلْ
م: إيصالٌ
فهو مُوصِلٌ
To deliver, convey, or connect something to someone or somewhere
(to make something arrive)
الجمع: أصْنافٌ
class; category
like نوع
Stopping, halting, detention
used for things where not allowed to use ijtihad
masdar of the verb وقّف (which apparently isn’t used often)
face, but also, Aspect/Angle/Perspective
النَّصُّ يُفْهَمُ مِنْ أَكْثَرَ مِنْ وَجْهٍ
the next is understood from more than one angle
اِفْتَتَحَ / يَفْتَتِحُ / اِفْتَتِحْ
م: اِفْتِتاحٌ
فهو مُفْتَتِحٌ
to inaugarate; to open
فَتَحَ - “to open” in a general sense
اِفْتَتَحَ - Adds a sense of ceremony, formality, or officiality to the act of opening or starting something
اِشْتَمَلَ / يَشْتَمِلُ / اِشْتَمِلْ
م: اِشْتِمالٌ
فهو مُشْتَمِلٌ
to include; encompass; contain
الجمع: أغْراضٌ
goal; objective
similar to مَقْصَد, which is more of intention, purpose
ثَنّى / يُثَنِّي / ثَنِّ
م: تَثْنِيَة
فهو مُثَنٍّ
to repeat something over and over again
seems that this verb isn’t used very often but this is connected to مثاني which comes in the Quran
وَرَدَ / يَرِدُ / رِدْ
م: وُرُودٌ
فهو وارد
to come/arrive
to be mentioned
to appear (in a text)
الجمع: ألْفاظٌ
Word (that is pronounced or uttered), term
also: utterance, expression
تَوَقَّفَ / يَتَوَقَّفُ / تَوَقَّفْ
م: تَوَقُّفٌ
فهو مُتَوَقِّفٌ
to stop; halt
if used with على, then means to depend on
حَمِدَ / يَحْمَدُ / اِحْمَدْ
م: حَمْدٌ
فهو حامد
المفعول: مَحْمود ، حَميد
to praise
رَبَّى / يُرَبِّي / رَبِّ
م: تَرْبِيَةٌ
فهو مُرَبٍّ
To nurture, raise, or bring up
قَضَى / يَقْضِي / اقْضِ
م: قَضاءٌ ، قَضْيٌ
فهو قاضٍ
to judge, issue a ruling
to fulfill, accomplish, carry out (needs, obligations)
to decree, ordain (divine decree)
to spend (time)
to complete, finish
to settle (debts)
الجمع: حَوائِجٌ
A need, necessity, or want
ضَلَّ / يَضِلُّ / اِضْلِلْ
م: ضَلالٌ ، ضَلالة
فهو ضالّ
to go astray
suitable; appropriate
الجمع: مُناسَبات
حادَ / يَحِيدُ / حِدْ
م: حَيْدٌ ، حَيدانٌ
فهو حائِد
To deviate, turn aside, or veer (from a path or course).
To avoid or shun (something or someone).