2.2.2 Types of religious experience Flashcards
Why is the philosopher Raymond Moody significant?
- his book, Life after Life (1975) found a number of “core experiences” that seem to be common to most
- these included a feeling of peace and ineffability (concerned with ideas that cannot or should not be expressed in spoken words); going through a dark tunnel & meeting a being of light & having to make a decision about whether or not to cross a barrier before returning to life
- these are common ground between religious experiences & near death experiences such as feeling of peace & many claim the being of light is Jesus, God, Muhammad etc.
- those who have had such an experience claim that it proves without doubt that there is life after death & so God does exist
Describe the third type of religious experiences (Corporate experiences)
- a corporate experience is one that happens simultaneously to two or more people
- this type of experience arguably carries more weight because of the number of people testifying to it
- the Toronto Blessing, which begun in 1994 at what was then the Toronto Airport Vineyard Church, involved a number of believers who reported being affected by the Holy Spirit & receiving divine revelation
- phenomena noted at the meetings included uncontrollable weeping, laughing, rolling on the floor, & animal noises
Describe a mystical experience
- seeking out a religious experience
- become ‘one’ with the transcendent/supreme reality
- loss of oneself
- introvertive: God is within
- extrovertive: awareness of God outside of yourself
- ecstatic: complete bliss
- three steps to preparation: purgation (attempt to rid thoughts), illumination (open your mind to what God wants), contemplation (complete oneness with God)
- William James says that everyone experiences the same Ultimate Reality (interpreted in the light of your faith tradition)
What are the common features of a mystical experience?
Who is Rudolf Otto? (finish)
- German theologian & philosopher
- lived 1869-1937
- his work focused on the nature of religious experiences & their connection to the divine
- his most famous piece of work was his book The Idea of the Holy (1917), where he introduced the concept of the “numinous”
What were Rudolf Otto’s views on religious experiences? (finish)
- he argued that all religious experiences are numinous in nature & produce a ‘sense of taste for the infinite’
- Otto identified two elements being: Mysterium tremendum which literally means ‘a fearful mystery’ (a sense of overwhelming awe