2.2.2 Information gathering & Vulnerability scanning: active reconnaissance/ Detecting and Evading Defenses & Packet Crafting Flashcards
Detecting and Evading Defenses: what is a load balancer ?
A core networking solution that distributes traffic across multiple servers inside a server farm. It allows multiple servers to answer as a single server
Detecting and Evading Defenses: what is a Load Balancer Detector (LBD) ?
Determines the presence of a load balancer
Detecting and Evading Defenses: what issue can you have while scanning a network that have load balancers ?
Load balancers can throw off (fausser/perturber) scan results with increased false positives or false negatives
Detecting and Evading Defenses: what is a firewall?
A type of network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic. Relies on a set of rules known as an access control list (ACL)
Detecting and Evading Defenses: while scanning a network, how to detects if an organization uses a firewall?
Use traceroute
Detecting and Evading Defenses: what is Firewalk?
● An active reconnaissance tool that tries to determine what layer 4 protocols a given firewall will actually pass past it
● Lets you move through the firewall and identify the rule sets
Detecting and Evading Defenses: what is a Web Application Firewall (WAF)?
Utilizes specific rule sets to prevent common attacks against web applications, such as cross-site scripting and SQL injections
Detecting and Evading Defenses: how to bypass a WAF?
Use obfuscation techniques to confuse these web applications such as
● Personalized cookies in HTTP packets
● Header alterations
● WAF notifications
Detecting and Evading Defenses: what is an antivirus?
A specific type of software that is used to prevent, scan, detect, and delete viruses or malware
Detecting and Evading Defenses: how to bypass an antivirus (4)?
● Metamorphic virus
● Signature obfuscation
● Fileless malware
● Encryption
Packet Crafting: what is it ?
A technique that allows for the generation of a network packet with the specific data content described by an attacker or penetration tester
Packet Crafting: why should you use it?
● Setting up unusual TCP flags to see firewall response
● Fragmenting packets
Packet Crafting: what are the different stages of packet crafting (4)?
1/ Assemble: creates a packet to be sent
2/ Edit: modifies the content of the created packet
3/ Play: sends or resends packet onto the network
4/ Decode: capture and analyzes traffic generated by the packet sent
Packet Crafting: what methods can you use to craft a packet?
● Command line (Hping)
● Script (Scapy)
Packet Crafting: what is hping3 and why it is used by pentester?
An open-source spoofing tool that provides a pen tester with the ability to craft network packets to exploit vulnerable firewalls and IDS/IPS
Packet Crafting: what can you do with hping3?
- A powerful packet crafting tool
- Customize any packet in any form
- Bypass the firewall rules
- Perform Port Scanning
- Exploit the TCP / IP stack known vulnerabilities
Packet Crafting: using hping3, what do you use for host/port detection and firewall testing?
Sends a SYN or ACK packet to conduct detection and testing
Packet Crafting: explain this command “hping3 –S –p80 –c1”
Send 1 SYN packet to port 80
Packet Crafting: what command would you be using to send 1 ACK packet to port 80 using hping3?
hping3 –A –p80 –c1
Packet Crafting: what the timestamping is used for in hping3 and give the command line for using it
- Timestamping is used to determine the system’s uptime.
- For ex this command send 2 SYN packets to port 80 to determine uptime, hping3 –c2 –S p80 –tcp-timestamp
Packet Crafting: can you traceroute with hping3 and why?
Yes you can, traceroute uses arbitrary packet formats, such as probing DNS ports using TCP or UDP, to perform traces when ICMP is blocked on a given network.
Packet Crafting: how to set traceroute mode with hping3?
Add –traceroute in your hping3 command
Packet Crafting: can you fragment the packet with hping3 and why?
Yes you can. It attempts to evade detection by IDS/IPS and firewalls by sending fragmented packets across the network for later reassembly
Packet Crafting: how to set packet fragmentation mode with hping3?
Add -f in your hping3 command
Packet Crafting: can you do a DoS with hping3 and why?
Yes you can. It can be used to perform flood-based DoS attacks from randomized source Ips
Packet Crafting: what is the issue nowadays with using hping3 for DoS and fragmentation?
Fragmentation and DoS are not likely to be effective against most modern OS and network appliances
Packet Crafting: what is Scapy?
A powerful, interactive packet manipulation tool, packet generator, network scanner, network discovery, packet sniffer, and more in one script.
o Scapy: Runs on Python 2
o Scapy 3: Runs on Python 3