2.2.1 Information gathering & Vulnerability scanning: active reconnaissance/ scanning & recon Flashcards
What is active reconnaissance?
Engaging with the targeted systems or networks to gather information about their vulnerabilities
Scanning & enumeration: name the type of scan that can be done (3):
- Discovery scan: ping scan that identifies what host are online and port scan that identifies whether the ports on those hosts are open/closed
- Enumeration: it digs deep into target systems and links identified components into known vuln
- Nmap/Zenmap: nmap require exact syntax and zenmap provides dropdown menu, there is also other scan like ping scan, quick scan and intense scan
Scanning & enumeration: what is scanning?
Actively connecting to a system and getting a response to identify hosts, open ports, service, users, domain names and URLs used by a given organization
Scanning & enumeration: what is fingerprinting ?
The identification of an OS, service or specific software version that is use by a host, system or network
Scanning & enumeration: what is banner grabbing refers to?
Using a program like Netcat, wget or telnet to connect to a given port that is running a service
Scanning & enumeration: what’s the difference between scanning, enumeration and fingerprinting ?
- Scanning: more generic
- Enumeration: more in depth
- Fingerprinting: most detailed
Scanning & enumeration: what is host enumeration?
Enumeration of any server, workstation, client, which can also include mobile devices, tablets, and IoT devices, or even a networking device like a switch, router, or access point
Scanning & enumeration: how to proceed to a host enumeration?
We can enumerate the hosts using command line-based Windows tools or BASH command line tools for Linux hosts or servers to learn more about the target network
Scanning & enumeration: list and explain the most common commands line tools for enumeration on Windows
- net: A suite of tools that can be used to perform operations on groups, users, account policies, network shares, and more
- arp: Used when enumerating a Windows host. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Cache
provides a list of all the other machine’s MAC addresses that have recently communicated with the host you are currently on - ipconfig: Determines the IP address of the machine you are currently on
- ipconfig /displaydns: Displays any DNS names that have recently been resolved
Scanning & enumeration: list and explain the most common commands line tools for enumeration on Linux
- finger: Used to view a user’s home directory, their login, and their current idle time
- uname -a: Shows the OS’s name, version, and other relevant details displayed to the terminal
- env: Gives a list of all of the environment variables on a Linux system
Scanning & enumeration: can service be enumerated and why?
Yes, they can be enumerated to provide us with additional details about a given host
Scanning & enumeration: how service can be enumerated?
By conducting an intensive scan using Nmap, it returns information about the services running on a host’s open ports
Scanning & enumeration: what is Active Directory (AD)?
A database that stores, organizes, and enables access to other objects under its control
Scanning & enumeration: in AD, what is Organizational Unit (OU)?
Used within a domain to group similar objects (i.e., computers, groups, or even users) together
Scanning & enumeration: in AD, what is a user?
Used to represent a person or process that will access a given resource in the domain
Scanning & enumeration: in AD, what is a group?
A collection of users
Scanning & enumeration: why do you need to know domain enumeration?
Because many Windows attacks rely on trying to bypass the Kerberos authentication in a domain environment.
The first domain is always considered the root domain. Domains or subdomains underneath the root domain are considered children
Scanning & enumeration: how to enumerate a domain?
- Powershell: with Get-NetDomain (Lists the current logged in user’s domain) or Get-NetLoggedon (Lists of all the users who are logged into a given computer)
- Nmap, Metasploit
Scanning & enumeration: how to enumerate users on a Windows machine?
- Get-NetGroupMember: Lists the domain members belonging to a given group
- net user: Lists all the users on the machine
- net groups: Lists the groups on the machine
Website reconnaissance: what information do you need to determine when you are conducting a website reconnaissance?
▪ Software
▪ Operating system
▪ Hosting
▪ Resources
▪ Hidden information
Website reconnaissance: what is a website builder?
A platform that a creator or developer uses to create a website from the ground up. It typically offers templates to select from that give sites different looks, features, capabilities, and further opportunities for customization as well.
Website reconnaissance: why should you conduct a website reconnaissance?
To identify vulnerabilities.
Find every page that exists on the website, because any page can hold a vulnerability
Website reconnaissance: how to conduct a website reconnaissance (2 techniques)?
2 ways:
- Website Crawling (Forced Browsing): The process of systematically attempting to find every page on a given website
- Web Scraping/Harvesting/Data Extraction: A technique used for extracting data from websites performed using automation or through manual processes
Website reconnaissance: what are the 2 ways to conduct Website Crawling?
- Prevention: by checking the robots.txt file
- Using DirBuster
Website reconnaissance: what is robots.txt file and what valuable information can you retrieve from this file?
The file robots.txt is used to give instructions to web robots, such as search engine crawlers, about locations within the web site that robots are allowed, or not allowed, to crawl and index.
It is often used by attacker to identify restricted or private areas of a site’s contents. The information in the file may therefore help an attacker to map out the site’s contents.
Website reconnaissance: what is DirBuster and what valuable information can you retrieve by using it ?
A free tool by OWASP that can conduct brute-force web crawling by trying all various combinations of directories and file name to find hidden data, file and directories
Website reconnaissance: what is Custom Word List Generator (CeWL) in Web Scraping/Harvesting/Data Extraction type of reconnaissance?
A technique used for extracting data from websites performed using automation or through manual processes