2.2 Study Flashcards
Why did the population of Spanish Florida remain small ?
Gold and Silver was scarce
Santa Fe
•Capital of New Mexico
•1st permanent European settlement in southwest United States
What were the goals of the Spanish ?
Desire for wealth and to spread Catholicism
What were the key pillars of Spanish settlements in North America ?
•Encomienda System
•Missionary Efforts
Samuel de Champlain
•“Father of New France”
•Founded Quebec
Were colonists mostly men or woman ?
What were the French’s goals ?
•Some wanted to convert to Christianity
What did the French trade with Native Americans ?
Fur and alliances through intermarriage with American Indian women
Robert de La Salle
Claimed the region he named Louisiana
French also established
New Orleans
The Netherlands sponsored expeditions were in search of a
NW passage to Asia
The Dutch claimed to
New Amsterdam (later New York)
What did the Dutch aim to do ?
Develop trade in New World
What was the goal of the Protestant English government ?
To minimize Spain’s Catholics influence in the New World
Did the English have a high population ?
Yes, 50,000 people which passed the French, Dutch, and Spanish
English settlers..
•Higher % of families and women
•More interested in farming
•Less intermarriage with natives
Population growth in British Colonies led to
competition over land
What were the English’s goals ?
•Economic Prosperity
•Religious freedom
•Focused on Agriculture
King Henry VII
Led Protestant Reformation before Elizabeth I took the throne