22. Development of Abilities in Children Flashcards
What system is the process of development related too, and what direction does it progress in?
What neurological processes underpin childhood development?
What are some environmental requirements for development?
NS system. Cephalo-caudal.
Myelination (happens around birth to first few months of life), growth in neuronal numbers and nuronal connections (increase in visual accuity, development of cerebellar programmed actions, acquisition of memories, cognitive ability increase). Brain folds more as grow to give greater SA = more thinking ability.
Sensory stimulation (vision, hearing), physical environment (movement and play), caring emotionally supportive environment with oppertunities for social interaction.
Why must squints be corrected as quick as possible?
What areas of early development are usually assessed?
How is early development assessed?
If squint cells responsible for binocular vision do not receive same input from both eyes, correction after 2 years gives less chance of binocular vision. In chronic squint the brain suppresses input from the squinting eye - even after correction this eye will have reduced acuity (amblyopia).
Growth (often measured via centile chart), sensory abilities, motor skills (gross/fine), language, cognitive - intellectual skills, emotional and social.
Comparison with observable milestones (screening/opportunistic) or fomal tests producing quantitative scores: Bayley test, Griffiths tests, growing skills, test of motor impairment, language scales.
List the developmental milestones for: 6w, 6-8m, 10-15m, 18m-2yrs, 3y.
What are some major developmental problems that should be corrected before 4 years old?
What are the biggest developmental changes in 4+ years?
What can be used to measure abilities in cognitive development?
[Pic] Important in defining normality/disability.
Cerebal palsy, sensorineural hearing loss, severe visual impairment, severe/moderate learning difficulties, autism, functional diagnoses.
Intellectual (cognitive, attention, language), social (relationships, emotional).
Binet, Burt, Griffiths - tests.

What are some measuable changes in abilities from 4 to 6-7 years?
What are Piaget’s 4 stages of development?
4: tower of 9 cubes and pyramid of bricks, recognises puzzle parts, naming letters and may print name, understands tallest/biggest/same, count to 20, uses prepositions, verb tenses and possessives.
6-7: tell time, cause and effect, space and time, read stories, average spelling, counting interest, understands multi-step instructions, describes with detail, adverbs, adjectives.
Sensorimotor (0-2y), preoperational (2-6y), concrete operational - consider one problem feature at a time, egocentrism, animism (7-12y, logical rules to solve problems, control behaviour through language), formal operational (12-19y, abstract reasoning).
What are some criticism of Piaget’s stages of development?
May be more incremental. Inability to perfom tasks may be due to failure of explanation in child’s language/not presented in context child understands/child trying to please researcher. Contribution of memory to performance.