2.1.5 - Biologial Membranes (set A - role of membranes) Flashcards
Give 4 functions of membranes within cells?
- separate the contents from the cytoplasm (act as barriers)
- allowing the cell to change shape
- provide attachment sites for enzymes
- site for biochemical reactions - eg respiration
Give 2 functions of membranes regarding to transport within or out of cells?
- formation of vesicles - to transport substances (eg Golgi apparatus)
- selected membranes to allow substances to move in and out of the cell
What is compartmentalisation?
Intracellular membranes (internal membranes) form compartments within the cell such as organelles and vacuoles
- important so specific conditions for reactions can be maintained
Explain the importance for compartmentalisation in cells?
vital to a cell as metabolisms include many different and often incompatible reactions - so containing the reactions allows the specific conditions to be maintained
What is the plasma membrane?
The cell surface membrane which separates the internal cell environment from its external environment composed of a phospholipid bilayer
- involved in cell-cell recognition and selective transport
Outline the structure of a phospholipid bilayer?
- Hydrophilic phosphate heads of phospholipids form both inner and outer surface of membrane
- fatty acid tails of the phospholipids in between,forming a hydrophobic core
- bilayer contains intrinsic and extrinsic proteins
Outline the role of the phospholipid bilayer?
forms basic structure of the membrane, and acts as a barrier to most water-soluble substances - non-polar fatty acid tails prevent polar molecules or ions from passing across
- ensures molecules like sugar,amino acids and proteins can’t leak out and water soluble molecules can’t get in
Explain why the phospholipid bilayer are well adapted as membranes?
perfectly suited as membranes because the outer surface of hydrophilic phosphate heads can interact with water (cells normally in aqueous environments)
Explain the work of Singer and Nicholson regarding membranes - 1972?
They proposed a model (building on earlier lipid-bilayer model) in which proteins occupy various positions in the membrane - model is known as fluid-mosaic model because the phospholipids are free to move within the layer giving the membrane flexibility
Explain the fluid-mosaic model as a way of describing membranes?
Forms basis of understanding membranes - Idea phospholipids are free to move within the layer relative to each other (they are fluid), giving the membrane flexibility
- proteins embedded in the bilayer vary in shape,size and position (they are like tiles of a mosaic)
Explain what intrinsic proteins are, describe their structure?
transmembrane proteins embedded through both layers of a membrane - they have amino acids with hydrophobic R-groups on their external surfaces - interact with the hydrophobic core of the membrane, keeping them in place
Give three examples of intrinsic proteins?
- channel proteins
- carrier proteins
- glycoproteins
Explain what channel proteins are, and the type of movement that is involved?
Provide a hydrophilic channel that allows the passive movement (diffusion) of small, polar molecules and ions down a concentration gradient through membranes - eg oxygen molecules
Explain what carrier proteins are the type of movement that is involved?
bind specific molecules and transport these molecules and ions across the membrane by active transport and facilitated diffusion e.g sodium ions
- often involves the shape of the protein changing - when molecule binds
What are glycoproteins - what do they do?
Intrinsic proteins with attached carbohydrate chains of varying lengths and shapes - enables them to act as receptor binding sites for hormones ext
- play a role in cell adhesion (hold cell together in a tissue)
- stabilise membrane - form hydrogen bonds with surrounding water molecules
- act as antigens for recognition of cell as self, or non-self
Explain the role of glycolipids and glycoproteins as cell markers?
Act as cell markers or antigens, for cell-to-cell recognition
When molecule binds to the protein, a chemical reaction is triggered inside the cell